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He is probably putting food inside its cheeckpockets. Nothing to worry about.

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Q: What happens when hamsters heads swell up?
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What happens if hamsters fall and hurt there feet?

They will take a while to heal up if not visit a vet

What do hamsters look like before they have babies?

Soon to be momma hamsters look as though they've eaten half a stack of graham crackers all at once. That is, their abdomens swell up well beyond there normal size. Otherwise, they look like they always do.

What happens if you keep the fighting hamsters together?

They will kill eachother. You will end up losing both of those hamsters if you keep them together so my advice is to seperate them immediately!

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Their inside swell up until they bust open.

What happens if your hamster drinks no water?

they swell up and become pregnant magpies, when they give birth, it is to miniture dragons

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Your Lungs could swell up or your stomache could bleed. Mine did. Nothing Serious though.

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it could either swell up or trun black if it looks bad seek medical attention or if nothing happens its fine

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your nipples often swell up when you are cold, and often tickling them helps

How do you train hamsters and guniea pigs?

You should give them treats when they do something right, like for "up", you hold a treat above their heads and when they stretch up for the treat, you praise them and give them the treat. If you are consistent, you can train the hamster.