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It causes a chemical reaction and black smoke appears then there is a slight explosion in the air. Beware and stay safe when this occurs.

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6y ago

The iron will begin to rust, forming a form of iron oxide on the metal's surface.

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Q: What happens when iron is exposed to water and oxygen?
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What happens when materials containing iron is exposed with water and oxygen?


When exposed to oxygen will iron rust?

Yes, Iron (Fe) will oxidise when exposed to oxygen

What chemical is rust?

Iron and water exposed to oxygen Ferrous oxide

What does iron have to be exposed to for oxidation to occur?

Iron has to be exposed to oxygen for oxidation to occur.

What happens to galvanised iron which is exposed to air and water?

It is more resistant to corrosion.

What transition metal rusts when exposed to oxygen?

Iron rusts in the presence of Oxygen.

What happen when iron is exposed to air?

If an iron nail is exposed to air for a long time it reacts with the water vapour (moisture) and oxygen present in the atmosphere and a reddish-brown powdery coating is formed on it known as RUST (Fe2O3.xH2O) .

What do water and oxygen do to metal?

metal rusts when exposed to water and oxygen

Is iron tendency to rust when exposed is exposed to oxygen and water chemical change?

First of all rust is formed when iron is exposed to both oxygen and water/ water vapopurs. The formula for rust is Fe203.xH20. Now the x varies which determines the extent to which rust is formed. Basically Rust is formed throughout the surface of the iron thus preventing rusting of the inner layers.

What kind of change happens when iron rusts?

Oxidation. Water, oxygen, and metal.

What chemical will turn reddish when exposed to water and oxygen?

I think what you are reffering to is iron oxide which is commonly known as rust

When iron and oxygen combine to form rust what is are the reactants?

What happens when iron and oxygen react?