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Fossils are mostly minerals, so unless they are very high in carbon, such as coal, they will not burn.

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Q: What happens when people burn fossil feels?
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When humans burn fossil fuels what happens?

When humans burn fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) they release carbon dioxide (CO2). This is one of the greenhouse gases which is causing global warming and climate change. This burning of fossil fuels happens in industry, transport and the generation of electricity.

What do people burn for fuel?

People burn fossil fuels to get the energy stores in then the energy then causes the engines to run.Help to cook food.Help to light the surroundings.

What is burning of fossil fuel?

We should not burn fossil fuels.

What led humans to burn more fossil fuels?

Energy led human to burn more fossil fuels

What are three technologies that burn fossil fuels?

things such as cars plans and certain factories burn fossil fuels

When people burn fossil fuels is the carbon released as oxygen?

No, it is released as carbon dioxide and water.

Does a fossil fuel burn in the air?

All fuels that 'burn' require air or an oxygen source for combustion. Therefore,fossil fuel also burn in the air.

What fossil fuels do we burn in power stations?

they burn fossil fuels like coal, fuel oil, and oil shale

Do fossil fuels burn?

Yes they do!

Do geothermal burn fossil fuels?


What happens to burn victims after they heal?

The same thing that happens to people with other injuries.

How do you make electrical current?

burn fossil fuels or turbines or hydro or wind