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Carbon gets released

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Q: What happens when radioactive element decays?
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Why an element call radioactive?

it is unstable and decays to another element

An element that decays to another element over a period of time is?

A property of that element. An unstable element. A radioactive element

What is produced when a radioactive element decays?

Energy, various sub-atomic particles, a different element.

What is the first radioactive element that forms when uranium 238 decays?

The isotope 234 Th.

What is the process by which an element slowly decays over time?

It is through radioactive decay that a quantity of an unstable element will decay over time. A material that is unstable will undergo this process, and the sample is said to be radioactive.

What happens to radioactive materials if you do not use them?

That depends on the radioactive material. But whether you use it or not, the radioactive material will decay into other elements over the course of time. The time it takes for half of the material to decay into something else is called the "half-life". The more radioactive the substance is, the faster it decays. The half-life of a radioactive element can be measured from fractions of a second to billions of years.

What is the definition of the word polonium?

Polonium is a very rare chemical element. It has the atomic number 84. It is produced when uranium decays and is a naturally radioactive metallic element.

What is a parent and daughter element?

Parent and daughter in chemistry refer to radioactive decay, where a radioactive isotope of an element decays into another. For example, carbon-14 will beta-decay into nitrogen-14. The half-life associated with that particular process is about 5,700 years. The "parent" is carbon-14 and the "daughter" is nitrogen-14.

What are the differences between a radioactive element and one that transmutes?

Same thing. A radioactive element decays into either a different element (alpha, and beta decay), a lower energy state of the same element (gamma-ray emission), or sometimes breaks into 2 or more pieces (nuclear fission).

What it means when an element is radioactive?

Radioactive elements have unstable nucleii. When an unstable nucleus decays it emits energy in the form of electromagnetic waves and heavy particles and in the process forms new nucleii.

What happens to an element when it emits radioactive particles?

IT changes into a new, usually lighter element.

What is the term for an atom the decays?

unstable, radioactive