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Exhalation describes the state when the diaphragm relaxes and intrapulmonic and intrathoracic pressure increases.

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Q: What happens when relaxation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles increases intrapulmonic and intrathoracic pressure?
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What is the changes in size of thoracic cavity during the contraction and relaxation of diaphragm?

When the Diaphragm contracts, it is pulled down, and is pulled back up when it relaxes.Also, when you inhale, it contracts. When you exhale, it relaxes.

What are the muscles involved in changing the volume of the thorax during breathing?

There are several muscles that are responsible for breathing. They are the Diaphragm, the external intercostal muscle, and the internal intercostal muscle.

What muscles are activated during normal quiet inspiration?

The Phrenic Nerve-Diaphragm and the External Intercostal Nerve-External intercostal muscles

Name of muscles between ribs?

The intercostal muscles. Intercostal means "between ribs".

What is the orientation of the heart?

intrathoracic, in mediastinum, anterior to esophagus and posterior to the diaphragm

What muscle is involved in respiration?

the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm

What results from the contraction of diaphragm and external intercostal muscles?

an exhalation

What muscle expand chest cavity upward during inspiration?

The diaphragm (a sheet of muscle underneath the ribcage) and intercostal muscles (located between your ribs).

What are the ligaments that attach the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles to the lungs?

suspensory ligaments

How are diaphragm and intercostal muscles stimulated?

The diaphragm is stimulated the same way all other muscles are - nerve impulses that originate in the brain (or sometimes the spinal cord). The intercostal muscles expand during inhalation and contract during exhalation in response to the movement of the lungs by the diaphragm.

What are the two skeletal muscles that contribute to lung function?

Diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

Does the relaxation of the diaphragm causes a slight vacuum the lungs?

No! When you inhale it does. So contraction not relaxation.