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It looks translucent.

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Q: What happens when silver nitrate is titrated against potassium chloride?
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Sodium chloride and potassium sulfate will not react.

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Is there a reaction between ammonium chloride and potassium hydroxide?

No.If you add ammonium chloride solution to potassium chloride solution all that happens is a solution with all the ions in it - ammonium ions, potassium ions, chloride ions and hydroxide ions.

What happens when you combine potassium carbonate and strontium chloride?

It would yield 2KCl +SrCO3, Potassium Chloride will be soluble while the Strontium carbonate will be insoluble

What happens when chlorine is added to silver nitrate and potassium chloride?

When clhlorine is added to silver nitrate a milky white precipitate of Silver Chloride is formed. Potassium nitrate is also formed. When chlorine is added to potassium chloride nothing visible happens but the solutiuon become more acidic.

What happens when the two hazardous elements potassium and chlorine are combined?

You get a non-hazardous salt: potassium chloride.

What happens when you add potassium carbonate to cobalt chloride?

you get the right answer on webassign

What happens when fluorine and potassium chloride react?

you die of bicsamotosis if you breathe it in

What happens when barium chloride reacts with potassium sulfate?

it remains yellow i think me

When potassium chloride is mixed with ammonia and ammonium fluoride what happens?

Any reaction occur.

What happens when you mix potassium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid?

KOH + HCl -> KCl + H2O Produces a salt, potassium chloride, and water.

Predict the reaction between chlorine and potassium astatide?

Cl2 + 2KAt arrow 2KCl +At2 Chlorine + Potassium Astatide arrow Potassium Chloride + Astatine This happens because Chlorine is more reactive than Astatine so the chlorine displaces the Astatine to produce Potassium Chloride and Astatine.