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Q: What happens when text is cut from a document?
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What happens in a document when the cut commend is

When text is moved from document to office clipboard?

when you cut text, the text is removed from the document and placed on the office clipboard.

What happens when text is selected in a Word document?

The text becomes highlighted, showing as white on a dark background. You can then do different things with the text like format it or delete it or cut or copy it.

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What happens when text is dragged to a new location in the document?

The Text is moved to the new location.

What happens when a text is copied or cut from a document?

The text is save in so calle cache memory or clipboard.Then it rests there till you paste the text or better said till you delete it from there.A copy of the text is stored in a save areas called a clipboard from where it can be pasted into other areas.

Explain what happens when text is copied or cut from a document?

The text is save in so calle cache memory or clipboard.Then it rests there till you paste the text or better said till you delete it from there.A copy of the text is stored in a save areas called a clipboard from where it can be pasted into other areas.

What happens when the text is cut or copied?

The original text stays where it was, and if you select paste a copy of the text appears where you have your cursor.

What is the feature that removes a text or image from a document and places it on the clipboard?

It's "Cut". Control + X

How do you convert automatic numbering to manual numbering in a word document?

Cut and paste it as text only

How to cope with change?

In the source document, select the text you want to copy. Make sure that Track Changes is turned off in the source document. ... Press Ctrl+C to copy the text to the Clipboard, or Ctrl+X to cut the text.

Cut is faster or copy?

Cut and Copy are two different functions of Word. Cut will take the Highlighted text from your word document and delete it. When you paste it will move the deleted text to where ever you paste. Copy just dupilcates the highlighted text where ever you paste.