

What happens when the Aztecs die?

Updated: 3/11/2020
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13y ago

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They sacrifice them.

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Q: What happens when the Aztecs die?
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When did the Aztecs die out?

The Aztecs died out in the twenty-first century

Why did the Aztecs die?


When Aztecs die?

they died 1552

What was the ruling of the Aztecs?

that everyone will die in 2012

Why did the Aztecs settle where they did happens?

There settled where they did because they got a sign from their god.

What disease did many Aztecs die from?

Most of the Aztecs died from a disease they had never seen before, which was SmallPox. When the Spanish conquestadors came over to conquer the Aztecs, they brought over this deadly diseas that ultimately wiped out the Aztecs.

Why did the Aztec die out?

The Aztecs died out because of Hernando who came in with over 500 soldiers and killed off the race of the Aztecs

When did the Aztecs die?

nobody knows what time period the Aztec population had died out

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How did Aztecs die out?

How the Aztecs died:The Aztecs died From The spanish coming and invading their City. It is Believed they also brought small pox with them, wich helped kill the aztecs. The Spanish Killed people as they were exploring the world. End they Killed the emporer at that time too. Rumor Has it they would rape and kill thousands of women every day.

How does the climate affect the Aztecs needs and daily life?

It affected their daily lives by the heat and that they will die

Did the Aztecs die of smallpox?

yes most of the Aztec died of smallpox which they got from spanish conquistadores.