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When the body cleanses itself out of alcohol it begins to sweat, and release the toxins often through excretion, or even urination. The kidney filter the toxins through urination and converts the toxins in the blood to less toxic substances.

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Only the passage of time can do that.

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Q: What happens when the body cleanses itself of alcohol?
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How does the body protect itself against alcohol?

the liver filters out the alcohol and the body releases it in the form of urine

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Alcohol (ethyl alcohol, or ethanol) is itself a drug. They are really adictive and do bad stuff to your body.

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I believe that an appendix is an organ that cleanses the body like the liver

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The alcohol stays in the blood, and you get drunker, and your BAC goes up.

Can your Blood alcohol level be reduced by drinking coffee?

No. The body needs to metabolize alcohol and that only happens over time.

Can Blood alcohol level be reduced by drinking coffee.?

No. The body needs to metabolize alcohol and that only happens over time.

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There is no such drug to clean the system.

What happens to your body when you drink alcohol for a long period of time?

You will become intoxicated. In addition to that, if the alcohol levels in your body are too high, then you can die of alcohol poisoning.

Does alcohol only affect the body short term?

Yes and no. Alcohol can destroy the liver if too much alcohol is consumed. However, an individual does not consume alcohol for a long period of time, the liver can heal itself.

As the body tissues consume alcohol what happens?

The body cells become dependent on the alcohol, which is why too much alcohol consumption is considered an addiction. Cirrosis, or liver scarring, can occur in the liver tissues. This can result in liver failure and death.

What happens when you enter a hot tub when you are drunk?

Your body is trying to cool itself by sweating and if you replace that water with alcohol it isn't as diluted in your blood stream. Also the heat causes the blood vessels to dialate which increases blood flow and reduces the amount of time it takes to feel the effects of alcohol.

What happens when the body forms a tolereance to alcohol?

With tolerance, it takes more alcohol to achieve the same effects that lesser quantities created before tolerance developed.