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Q: What happens when the chromatids separate during reduction division?
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What happens in telophase II?

Sister Chromatids separate from each other just like mitosis .

What happens in meiosis during anaphase I?

The chromosomes split equally and move to the opposite sides of the cell.

What happens to DNA in anaphase?

The homologous chromosomes (as pairs of sister chromatids) separate to opposite poles of the cell.

What happens during anaphase?

The chromatids are pulled apart.

What happens to sister chromatids in meiosis?

They separate in anaphase and become chromosomes in new daughter cells

How does the appearance of the chromosome change through division?

first it becomes two chromatids, then during prophase, chromosomes condense from long strands into rod like structures. During METAPHASE paired chromatids align at the cell's equation. Then during ANAPHASE the paired chromatids separate and move to the opposite side of the cell. During TELOPHASE a nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes, and the chromosomes decondense.

Nondisjunction happens in?

It is the failure of chromosome pairs to separate properly during cell division.

During anaphase of meiosis do the chromosomes have one or two chromatids as they move toward the poles?

During the anaphase stage of mitosis the two chromatids become separate chromosomes. The chromatids are pulled apart and move toward their centrosomes. As they move toward the poles, the centrosomes go first, followed by the chromatids, forming a â??vâ?? shape.

What happens to the amount of chromosomes during cell division?

During cell division the chromosomes are copied and they form sister chromatids. Then the mitotic spindle attaches to the sister chromatids and pulls them apart, splitting the nucleus in two. Then the cell goes through cytokenesis and the cell membrane is pinched together in the center, this divides the organelles and the cytoplasm between the two daughter cells.

What happens during the first division of meiosis that does not happen in meiosis?

In Meiosis I: Separates homologous chromosomes In Meiosis II: Separates sister chromatids

What happens during anaphase1?

the chromatids holding the chromosome together loosen

During crossing-over what happens to portions of chromatids?

breaks off and attach to adjacent chromatids on the homologous chromosome