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Q: What happens when the doctor throws a dried rose into the water?
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What happens to water as the clothes dried?

The wet clothes will evaporate and leaving the clothes dry.

Images of how a doctor breaks your water?

A doctor breaks your water with a small plastic rod that has a hook at the end. You can't feel it and it happens quickly.

What happens if you drink water that is too acidic?

Die? Call your doctor.

What happens when your kidneys dry up?

When your kidney is dried it means that it doesn't have that much fluid in it so you have to continue to drink lots of water and go to the hospital it also means that your going to be vomiting a lot if it gets to that stage when you feel sick then your seriously have to get it checked by a doctor.

What happens when houses flood?

Usually it becomes filled with water. After a while, if the house isn't dried and the water removed, then it gets mould. Then it has to be rebuilt, or the mould removed completely.

What happens if you eat a water baby?

What will probably happen is that he/she will probably throw it up or if not ask a Doctor.

What things will happen when the water dried up?

If the water dried up, ther is a high possibility of dying of thirst.

What happens if a person takes a dog pain killer by accident?

Call your doctor and drink plenty of water

How and why do dried fruits and dried beans swell when they are put in water?

they swell because the water and moisture that was removed during drying is being put back, so the water rehydrates the flesh

What happens when you mix salt and water for a day?

It depends if you have more salt than water, or more water than salt, Salt will dissolve into the water either way. But if you have more salt it will turn into a wet clump of salt with dried pieces here and there.

Why can't you wash out a grass stain from clothing with just water?

The dried chemicals and colour will not dissolve in plain water. If stain is fresh and not dried out, water will do the job.