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Q: What happens when the vesicle malfunction?
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What happens to vesicle in exocytosis?

The vesicle fuses with the cell membrane, releasing it's contents.

What happens when a vesicle brings a substance into a cell?


What cell process asks like a thermostat that stay at room temperature?

what happens when the vesicle process happens

What is the process in which a cell discharges substances or waste?

Exocytosis is the process that allows the cell to dispose of wastes. There are five steps that are involved in exocytosis and they include vesicle trafficking, vesicle tethering, vesicle docking, vesicle priming and vesicle fusion.

When a vesicle fuses with the cell membrane to get rid of a particle what happens?

a vesicle does not fuse with the cell membrane. The cell membrane goes through endo- or exocytosis to absorb or eject a substance. In this case, exocytosis occurs, so the cell membrane engulfs the particle, pumps it through the membrane with the help of transport proteins, and then the vesicle breaks off and is gone.

What happens to the person if there is a malfunction of the brain?

This question is so general that it is virtually unanswerable. You might as well just ask, "If something happens then what will the outcome be?"

What is the description of a vesicle?

vesicle transports materials

Small membrane-bound sac used for transport?


How do you use the word vesicle in a sentence?

A vesicle is a small fluid-filled sac.

what substance would be found in a vesicle?

Enzymes might be found inside a vesicle.

Which parts allow different activities of the cell to happen?


What is an analogy for pinocytotic vesicle?

a pinocytotic vesicle works to drink extracellular fluid.