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if its there long enough and gets hot enough and you drop it in water, it goes kaboom and shoots out its contents-trust me

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5d ago

When the volume of a fluid is heated at the bottom, the molecules near the heat source gain energy and move faster, which causes them to spread out. This leads to a decrease in density of the fluid at the bottom and results in buoyancy forces driving fluid circulation, known as convection.

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11y ago

A precipitate, depending on the experiment !

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7y ago

The volume will increase as the fluid is warmed up.

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Q: What happens when the volume of a fluid is heated at the bottom?
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What happens to molecules in a heated fluid?

In a heated fluid, molecules gain kinetic energy, causing them to move faster and collide more frequently. This increased movement results in the expansion of the fluid, as the molecules move apart from each other. Additionally, the increased temperature can lead to changes in the physical state of the fluid, such as boiling or evaporation.

What happens to the density of a fluid when it is heated?

When a fluid is heated, its density generally decreases. This is because the molecules gain more kinetic energy and spread out, causing the volume to increase while the mass remains constant. This results in a decrease in density.

What happens to fluid when it vaporizes?

When a fluid vaporizes, it changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state. This typically occurs when the fluid is heated to its boiling point and the vapor pressure exceeds the atmospheric pressure. The molecules of the fluid gain enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together as a liquid, allowing them to escape into the air as a gas.

How does the graduated cylinder work?

A graduated cylinder is a tall, narrow container used to measure the volume of liquids precisely. It works by reading the meniscus, the curve at the surface of the liquid, at eye level to get an accurate measurement. The volume is determined by the calibration marks on the side of the cylinder.

How could you determine the densities of two different fluids without mixing them together?

One way is to use a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of each fluid. Then, using a balance to determine the mass of each fluid, you can calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume. Another method involves using a hydrometer, which measures the specific gravity of each fluid and allows for the determination of their densities without mixing.

Related questions

What is convecntion?

Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid, such as a liquid or gas. It occurs when warmer, less dense fluid rises and cooler, more dense fluid sinks, creating a continuous circulation pattern that transfers heat. This process is commonly observed in phenomena like ocean currents, weather patterns, and boiling water.

If you heat up a fluid what happens to the volume?

The volume will increase as the fluid is warmed up.

What happens to the heated fluid if it is warmer than the fluid around it?

If the heated fluid is warmer than the fluid around it, it will generally rise due to its lower density. This movement is known as natural convection, where the warmer fluid displaces the cooler fluid and creates circulation in the system.

When heat is transferred by convection what rises?

The warmer fluid at the bottom of the vessel being heated.

What happens to molecules in a heated fluid?

In a heated fluid, molecules gain kinetic energy, causing them to move faster and collide more frequently. This increased movement results in the expansion of the fluid, as the molecules move apart from each other. Additionally, the increased temperature can lead to changes in the physical state of the fluid, such as boiling or evaporation.

When reading the volume of fluid in a graduated cylinder the eye should be .?

Level with the bottom of the fluid's meniscus

What happens when a fluid starts to cool down after being heated?

it gets coldit gets cold

What happens when a solid and a lquid melts?

A solid melts when heated. aaliquid becomes more fluid or evaporates

How convection happens?

Convection happens due to the transfer of heat by the motion of a heated fluid such as air or water.

Why do heated fluids rise using the particle theory?

Heated fluids are less dense than their cooler counterparts. For example, water at 80 degrees F is less dense than water at 75 degrees F. Therefore, because it is less dense, it rises above the cooler fluid. This happens all the time when boiling water. The water at the bottom becomes more heated than the water at the top, and so rises to the top, moving the cooler water to the bottom of the pot, which then becomes heated and pushes the now cooler water that used to be on bottom back to the bottom, restarting the whole process. This is known as convection.

Why is your transmission fluid low when warm but full when hot?

That is normal. The fluid expands when heated.That is normal. The fluid expands when heated.

What happens to the density to the fluid as it becomes hotter?

The hotter part of the fluid becomes less dense and rises to the top. Where as the colder part of the fluid will be more dense and will sink to the bottom.