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Forward reaction favored, concentration of products is higher

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Q: What happens when there is a very high k value in an equilibrium reaction?
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What does a very high value of Keq indicate?

That, at equilibrium, the reaction favours a high concentration of product and relatively less reactant.

How can you determine rate of rxn of a rxn mechanism having fast equilibrium?

You can determine the rate of a reaction mechanism having fast equilibrium by the number of hydrogen ions that are present. If the reaction has a high number of hydrogen ions then the reaction will have fast equilibrium.

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Wage goes down.

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Wage goes down.

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The reaction is spontaneous only at high temperatures.

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Wage goes down.

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Wage goes down.

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Wage goes down.

why are many industrial reaction carried out at high tempratureexplain the reason by having given illustrated example?

Because if the temperature is increased, the equilibrium position moves in the direction of the endothermic reaction. and if the temperature is low the reaction would be slow.

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If the trait has high adaptive value, the frequency will increase.

The equilibruim constant is the ratio of product concentration to reactant concentration at equilibruim A reaction will likely go to completion if the equilibrium constant?

a} Is very high.

What does the statement a high equilibrium product constant mean?

High Kp ( equilibrium constant of product) means that the reaction favors the product formation. More products are formed.