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They are said to be in competition.

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Q: What happens when two businesses sell the same product?
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What are the examples of undifferentiated marketing?

it happens when you sell steel or meat at the same weight and same amount to different businesses.

What happens in a market?

In a product market businesses make and sell goods to consumers. Consumers use their income to purchase these goods.

What role do businesses that go to the market play in the circular flow model?

Businesses go to the market to sell their product.

What role do businesses that go to the modest play in the circular flow of the model?

to sell their product

What are the classifications of a business?

There are three different classifications of business. 1- primary businesses are businesses that extract things from the ground. 2- secondary businesses are businesses that make things out of raw materials. 3- tertiary businesses are businesses that sell the product made.

What happens when a store sells a harmful product?

Call 911.You should not let them sell a harmful product

What should small businesses do to survive competition from bigger businesses?

the small businesses do to survive from bigger businesses is to have a lot of network in the market. Bigger businesses tend to sell product which in bulk orders in comparison small business do retailing that what bigger businesses to gain income.

Does Microsoft sell business firewall software products?

Microsoft has software for individuals and small businesses. Microsoft does have a firewall software product for small businesses. Bigger businesses may also use their software.

What are retail businesses?

Businesses that sell to the public, vs. businesses that sell their products to other businesses which then redistribute the products to the public.

Is Books are fun part of readers digest?

No, they are separate businesses, but Books Are Fun does sell some Readers Digest product.

Why do different businesses have different aims and objectives?

Very simply put, different businesses make money by selling or providing different goods or services, and the owners of each business has a different goal. For instance, the owner of a small business that sells a product may be in business to sell his or her product at a good price while providing great customer service. A large corporation that sells the same product may be in business only to make a profit, or to please its stockholders, and may not be as concerned with customer service.

What is a product market?

Product market is the place where goods and services are created and sold by businesses. This does not include trading instead focuses on finished goods purchased by the public sector and foreign buyers.