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If you ask and question and it is not answered for a while it will go to the queue whereby it will be answered by someone who knows the answer.

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Q: What happens when you ask a question and it does not get answered for a while?
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What happens when you ask a question which is not answered yet?

Nothing is still a question

What happens when you ask a question and it does not ever get answered?

It stays on the website unanswered until answered.

What happens when you ask a question on WikiAnswers? gets answered :) there simple :)

Can a question be answered with a question?

You can ask a question and answer your own question. You can then ask another question. If you ask a question that has already been answered you will see that in the asking process.

Why is it that when I answer a question on here and then I wait a minute and type it in in the ask a question box it says that nobody asked that question and nobody answered it?

its a glitch. it happens to me alot.

How do you know if someone has answered your question how will you be notified?

If you asked the question while you were logged in, you will be notified by e-mail that your question has been answered. When you ask a question, it is automatically placed in your watchlist. If you ask a question and it's already on, but isn't answered, you can follow that question by clicking "Follow" in the blue column to the left of the question. Any question that you're following gets added to your watchlist, and you receive an e-mail about when it is answered or updated.

When you ask a question how do you look at the questions you asked?

When you ask a question, you should go to the answered questions area and see whether your question has been answered.

Why would you ask this question?

you would ask this question to see if someone answered it. which is yes.

What happens in colonialism?

Your question is too impossibly broad to be answered. That covers thousands of square miles and more than 100 years. Please ask a specific question.

What if you can not ask the right questions?

Then your question will not be answered.

If a question is answered will the answer be sent to the person that asked?

If that person clicks on watch question they will be informed when the question is answered. Or else ask exactly the same question again and you will be taken to it answered or not.

What do you do when your question is misread?

You can post a message on the message board of the one who answered the question and tell them that, while you appreciate the answer they gave, they misunderstood your question. Then try explaining to them what you were actually trying to ask.