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You may catch a fire. It depends.

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Q: What happens when you bombard an atom with photons of light?
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What part of an atom is the source of light energy?


When atoms gain energy they give it off as light. what part of the atom give off light?

There is actually no certain 'part' of the atom that gives off light. As you know, light is made out of photons. Photons are given off by the atom when it releases energy to get rid of the energy. I hope this helps!

How many photons does it take to make 1 atom of hydrogen?

Hydrogen is not composed of photons. Photons are particles of light. 1 atom of Hydrogen is composed of one proton (and sometimes a neutron) and one electron.

How do you generate light?

Light is generated when photons are emitted from an atom. This occurs when an electron on one energy level of an atom falls to a lower energy level.

How light is given off by the movement of electrons in an atom?

Electron transitions release photons.

What did scientists bombard an atom with?

power && qold .?

Are protons and photons the same thing?

No. A proton is a part of an atom, while a photon is a tiny bundle of light energy (or light particle).

Which travels fastest through a medium a photon atom sound or electron?

Light (photons) will usually travel fastest.

Do atoms in an incandescent gas absorb or emit light?

When they exit their exited state. When an atom is bombarded by photons, it will often times absorb the photon. A photon is a unit of energy, so this energy is added to the atom, "extiting" it. However, atoms may only remain in ths excited state for a short period of time, and will eventually release the photon, reemiting it as light, and then the atom will return to its normal state.

Which subatomic particle of the atom in a molecule interacts with photons?

Almost all atomic interaction with photons occurs with the atom's electrons.

Zone of the sun where photons walk from atom to atom?

The zone of the sun where photons travel from atom to atom is called the "photosphere". The photosphere is the visible surface of the sun and is composed of ionized gas and photons. Photons are essentially particles of light that travel through the sun\'s atmosphere bouncing off the surrounding gas and dust particles. The photosphere is about 500 km thick and is the layer of the sun that we can see with the naked eye. The photosphere is the visible surface of the sun.It is composed of ionized gas and photons.Photons are particles of light that travel through the sun\'s atmosphere.The photosphere is about 500 km thick.The photosphere is the layer of the sun that we can see with the naked eye.

What happens when the electrons relax?

As excited electrons drop back to lower energy levels in the atom, photons having the energy of the difference between the two electron energy levels are emitted from the atom.