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The function of the oil is to protect from metal to metal contact. The oil will eventually shear and break down. This will then allow for metal to metal contact. If there is metal to metal contact, your engine temp. will increase and can warp parts, therefore permanently lowering efficiency of the engine ( and fuel), and or lead to more costly engine failures. If you have trouble remembering to change your oil regularly, I reccommend using a synthetic oil. Synthetics protect better and increase your oil change intervals.

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Q: What happens when you don't change your engine oil?
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Eventually the engine will seize.

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You oil will get dirtier and dirtier, the filter will clog and the engine will start the wear. Eventually the engine will develop sludge and in the end the engine will not last very long. I would suspect a brand new engine that you kept driving and never changed the oil might last 50,000 miles at the outside before having major internal problems.

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you will surly blow the engine.. oil is used to lubricate the moving parts of the engine. No oil means massive friction and you dont want that hope i helped

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If you are talking about engine oil (which is the oil changed when you get an "oil change"), the answer is no. The oil will pick up contaminates, and the additives in it will break down. As this happens, the oil's ability to provide protection and lubrication to the engine will decrease. If not changed, the engine can wear out or seize up. It is true that some oils can last longer than others, but this only delays the eventual need to change the oil.

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You could get an oil change as soon as possible to flush the system.

Where do you add transmission fluid to a 1991 MINI Cooper Rover?

You dont... The engine oil and gearbox oil are the same thing, so if you want to do this, then just do a normal oil change!