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Q: What happens when you eat grafite?
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What is the birth name of Grafite?

Grafite's birth name is Edinaldo Batista Lbano.

How does a scantron machine find grafite?

It doesn't find grafite it finds the shade of the mark that is left by the pencil.

When was Grafite born?

Grafite was born on April 2, 1979, in Campo Limpo Paulista, So Paulo, Brazil.

What do you use methane for?

for grafite remover

What is grafite?

Graphite is a form of Carbon. It is relatively soft and is a common component of pencils.

What is the best way to uncover a fingerprint in a crime scene?

lightly dust with grafite

What happens when you eat raw cookie dough?

nothing happens, but if you eat to much you will get constipated.

What happens when I eat a basketball?

Shi* happens

What kinds of metals are found in grafite?

Graphite is composed of pure carbon, a non-metallic element. So there are no metals in graphite

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Nothing happens. Zombies ALWAYS eat, haven't you seen the films?

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what happens to your body when you eat to many fatty foods

What are some rocks?

there is cort and grafite also there's cole sorry if my writing isn't good but hey I'm just a kid