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Breastmilk from any source will be a good source of nutrition. Breastmilk is often donated to hospitals and breastfeeding clinics to assist people who are unable to produce breastmilk.

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Q: What happens when you feed your baby other people's breast milk?
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Do you need breast?

Yes, but it doesn't matter how big they are. If you ever have a baby, and choose to breast feed, you will need to breast feed it. Other than that, you don't really need them.

Does teenagers get milk in their breast?

ya if she had a baby other wise no woman have a milk from her breast gave birth or may be pregnant

What happens when a Muslim baby is born?

Muslim people celebrate by drinking wine and eating only bread. the baby will also be dressed fully and will be given breast milk and meat.

How old do you hafte to be before you breast feed?

If you can have a baby, then you can breast feed. Puberty happens at different ages for different women, some as young as eight, but generally between the ages of twelve to sixteen.

What does breast do?

A breast is there to give a baby the milk it needs. This special milk has things like Antibodys, that can help this baby, and for the rest of it's life, have less allergy's, have it's brain devoloped more properly, and other good things. Breast feeding is much healthier for the baby than formula, or regular milk.

What does a breast do?

A breast is there to give a baby the milk it needs. This special milk has things like Antibodys, that can help this baby, and for the rest of it's life, have less allergy's, have it's brain devoloped more properly, and other good things. Breast feeding is much healthier for the baby than formula, or regular milk.

You got unbalanced lactation your other breast has more while the other seems nothing already what should you do?

Resist the urge to pump more or feed your baby more from the full side. This will only make it produce more. Try to alternate which breast you start with every time you feed your baby. Your baby will automatically take more from the breast that you offer him/her first. You need to encourage the more empty breast to produce as much as the other. Eventually, your breasts will produce the same amount and it will be just what your baby needs. It may take a few days for them to balance out, but try to be patient.

How much milk does a baby need?

it is not know how much a baby need to fill it tummy each baby is different witch means babies can consume different amount of food, you baby will come off the breast when done burp her then offer the other breast if she dose not latch on to the breast then she is full, she should be very calm at this point so she ready for a nap.

Will having a baby make your breast implants sag?

Will your breast implants sag after having a baby

Where can you get a free baby bottle?

Your breast, by breast feeding! Der

What happens to the mothers breast during the 6th or 7th month?

The breasts swell and become tender and sore, this happens because the body is getting ready to produce the milk the baby will need.

Can you breastfeed your baby on My Baby Boy for DS?

No you can not breast feed your baby