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Regular IUD checks are not necessary. Typically you get checked just once after insertion.

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Q: What happens when you have not had your IUD checked in mouths?
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How do you check your IUD string?

To check your IUD string, just put a finger in your vagina and confirm that you can feel the string, you can't feel the plastic of the IUD, and the string does not seem to be noticably longer than the last time you checked.

How often do you need to have IUD checked?

You have the IUD checked four to six weeks after insertion. After that, there's no special need for a recheck if you have no complaints, but you should continue getting your annual exam as usual, and be sure to protect yourself against sexually transmissible infections.

What happens if you leave your IUD in after 5 years?

you are dumb.

Do you have to get your IUD checked if you've lost a lot of weight?

No, weight changes do not affect the IUD or its proper placement. Diaphragms are the method that need a fit-check after significant weight change.

Can an IUD cause an infection?

it absolutely can you could be allergic to some of the compnents of the device go to the doctor and have it checked out

What happens when you have an Mirena IUD infection?

Mirena does not cause infections.

What happens if you never have an IUD removed?

Purportedly, an IUD that remains in the uterus beyond its recommended term can become embedded in the uterine wall. If this happens, there is an increased risk of bleeding, scarring, and pelvic infection. The probability of this risk is undocumented, however. Moreover, an embedded IUD may not, in itself, represent a health risk independent of the trauma of removal.

What happens when a female has a copper IUD and has multiple sex partners?

It turns green? Copper is not prophylactic. You can catch all sorts of nasties without protection. IUD doesn't count.

What is the differnec between a copper IUD and a multi load IUD?

A Multiload IUD is a copper IUD.

What happens if your IUD has moved farther up?

The IUD belongs at the top of your uterus. That is its normal location. You will know if it is moving up into your uterus because your healthcare provider is seated between your knees inserting it.

What IUD's are copper IUD's?

The ParaGard IUD is T shaped and it contains copper.

Can get trichomoniasis with iud?

You can get trichomoniasis regardless of whether you have an IUD. The IUD does not cause or prevent trich.