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Q: What happens when you hit a vein while injecting methotrexate?
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Missing the vein. but still injecting

Is injecting gasoline into a vein fatal?

Not necessarily but it can cause one hell of an infection!

What is sclerotherapy?

a method of treating enlarged veins by injecting an irritating chemical called a sclerosing agent into the vein

Is benadryl dangerous?

Is draino safe to drink? If you enjoy life i wouldn't recommend injecting benadryl into a vein.

What does sclerotherapy for esophageal varices involve?

injecting a strong and irritating solution (a sclerosant) into the veins and/or the area beside the distended vein. Sclerosant injected directly into the vein causes blood clots to form

What could happen if you hit a nerve instead of hitting a vein when you shoot up meth?

Hitting a nerve while injecting would cause severe problems, including excruciating pain, paraesthesia, and possibly local paralysis.

What do you call injecting heroine into the vein?

Properly, it is called intravenous injection, but the slang terms shooting up and mainlining also mean the same thing.

What are risks of injecting drugs?

If in a controlled medical environment supervised by qualified medical carer, few. If injecting yourself using dirty needles and illicit drugs, many. Infection seizure by air injection into a vein hepetitus Aids overdose To name but a few.

What happens if you poke a vein with a needle?

If you poke your Vein with a needle, you will bleed slowly (nonstop), Painless but Suicidal.

What happens if you cut a blue vein?

you become a dog

How people inject hashish into the body?

Hashish can be injected into the body by dissolving it in a solvent and then injecting it directly into the bloodstream. However, injecting hashish is highly dangerous and can lead to serious health complications, including infection, vein damage, and overdose. It is illegal and not recommended to inject hashish.

Is it safe to fly while you have retinal vein occlusion?

can i fly with a retinal vein thrombosis