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It makes no difference WHAT type of court you lie in, you are lying to the judge and the court after having given an oath to tell the truth. You can be charged with perjury and/or contempt of court, and, since it is civil court, you can be fined instead of jailed.

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Q: Can you go jail for lying in family court?
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The simple answer is that it is lying. It is considered fraud and if you do that you may have to go to court and possibly jail.

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No, you would be charged with perjury or false testimony and then have another court case and if you lose that then you go to jail or get probation.

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No, but a person can go to jail for not appearing to answer a summons.

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Jail time is not always mandatory for contempt of court. If a person has to go to jail will depend upon what the judge says about their contempt of court.

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jail is where they sticks you once you have been arrested then u ethier get out on jail bonds or sit in jail until your court date .. once u go to court if the judge convicts you to a sentence that's when u go to a prison

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Yes. Someone in the family can go to jail, but they will stay there only if there is a conviction.

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You cannot be jail for owing a debt. You are jailed for contempt of a court order, so this is the preview of the court.

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Yes, go to court or go to jail.