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Q: What happens when you mix orange and gray?
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What color do you get when you mix gray and orange?

the color you get is almost like a dark sand orange

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What does green and orange mix?

If you mix pigments (not light) that are green and orange you will get a grayish brown. Depending on the quantity and quality of the pigments and their hues you might get anything from darker green to gray to brownish orange,

What happens if you mix red with yellow?

You get a shade of orange.

How do you get the color gray?

You can mix any two colors on the color wheel to get gray. Red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow, etc.

What happens if you mix brown and orange?

the out come of mixing brown and orange is a lighter brownish colour. (A&W style)

What color if you mix grey and orange?

The color would literally be called a "grayed orange." Gray made of white and black doesn't actually change the color itself, it just fades the color out. The color will be duller. If you use a tinted gray the tint will affect the color. A gray with blue tint is described as blue, but has blue undertones. Mixing this with orange would result in a brownish gray version of the original orange. It would still be predominately described as orange.

What happens when you mix to primary colors together?

You receive a secondary color, such as orange or purple.

Why is orange better than gray?

Because orange is better than gray.

What happens when you mix milk and orange juice?

You will through up good thing to miss school!

What is a mix of black and white?

When you mix black and white paint, you get gray.