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The answer depends on what the other solution is. Peracetic acid (PAA) is a strong oxidizing agent (E ~ 1.9V vs SHE) and so if the other solution contains a component that can be oxidized, there may be a redox reaction. PAA is a weak acid (pKa ~ 9), so if the other solution were a strong base, there may be an acid/base reaction. PAA can decomposes forming radicals in the presence of some transition metals, so again there is another class of potential reactions. If the PAA is concentrated, the solutions can exploded under some circumstances, e.g. heating to > ~ 110oC.

PAA's reactivity means that it is potentially hazardous, both as the vapor (target area = eyes, respiratory system) and from splashes (skin, eyes); so care should be taken in using it.

While OSHA has not determined permissible exposure limits for PAA yet, based on its similar chemistry to hydrogen peroxide, it is anticipated that PAA vapor will be hazardous at concentrations below 1 ppm (calc. as an 8 hr Time Weighted Average). If using PAA in the workplace, it is strongly recommended to use appropriate engineering controls, Personal Protective Equipment and a continuous gas monitoring (see the link given below, for an example of a continuous monitor for PAA).

As I hope I have indicated, PAA is a reactive and potentially hazardous compound and so should be used with care. The vagueness of the question suggests that the writer is not sure what the reactants are. I therefore recommend not mixing PAA with anything until consulting with a chemist or other person knowledgeable of PAA's chemistry.

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When peracetic acid is mixed with another solution, it can react vigorously and release oxygen. This reaction may result in the generation of heat and could pose a risk of fire or explosion. It is important to follow proper safety procedures when handling peracetic acid and avoid mixing it with incompatible chemicals.

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Q: What happens when you mix peracetic acid with another solution?
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Hydrogen peroxide peracetic acid acetic acid can these three be shipped in the same box and what happens if they mix?

It is not recommended to ship hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, and acetic acid together in the same box, as they can react with each other. Mixing these substances can lead to a violent chemical reaction, releasing heat and potentially hazardous fumes. It is best to store and transport these chemicals separately to prevent any accidental mixing.

What is a peracetic acid formation mechanism with acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide?

When acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide are mixed together, they react to form peracetic acid in a two-step process. First, acetic acid reacts with hydrogen peroxide to form peroxymonosulfuric acid. This intermediate then undergoes further transformation to yield peracetic acid as the final product. Peracetic acid is a strong oxidizing agent and antimicrobial compound commonly used in disinfection and sterilization processes.

How do you prepare peracetic acid?

Peracetic acid is typically prepared by reacting acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalyst, such as sulfuric acid or a strong acid ion exchange resin. The process requires careful control of the reaction conditions to ensure the right concentration and purity of peracetic acid is produced. It is important to follow appropriate safety protocols due to the corrosive and reactive nature of peracetic acid.

What happens when a weak acid and a strong base combine?

When a weak acid and a strong base combine, the resulting solution will be basic because the strong base will completely neutralize the weak acid. The pH of the solution will be higher than 7.

What happens when you add a neutral to an acid?

When you add a neutral substance to an acid, the pH of the solution will decrease because the neutral substance will react with the acid to form more hydronium ions, increasing the concentration of H+ ions in the solution. This will make the solution more acidic.

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Hydrogen peroxide peracetic acid acetic acid can these three be shipped in the same box and what happens if they mix?

It is not recommended to ship hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, and acetic acid together in the same box, as they can react with each other. Mixing these substances can lead to a violent chemical reaction, releasing heat and potentially hazardous fumes. It is best to store and transport these chemicals separately to prevent any accidental mixing.

To calculate how much peracetic acid is needed in 5 liters of water at a concentration of .3 percent peracetic acid?

To calculate how much peracetic acid is needed, multiply the volume of water by the desired concentration of peracetic acid. In this case, 5 liters of water at 0.3% concentration would require 0.015 liters (or 15 milliliters) of peracetic acid.

What is peracetic acid?

Peracetic acid, also called peroxyacetic acid, is an organic peroxide and has the formula CH3CO3H. It forms an equilibrium with acetic acid [CH3COOH] and hydrogen peroxide [H2O2], such that if you mix hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid together, peracetic acid will be formed. Solutions of peracetic acid in water and acetic acid are colorless liquids with a pungent but not unpleasant odor. Peracetic acid, like most organic peroxides, is unstable and can explode at temperatures that exceed 230F as the water is driven off. Therefore, as with any peroxide, operations resulting in heating or evaporating the solution should be avoided. Peracetic acid is a strong oxidizing agent, and finds extensive use in healthcare and the food industry as a disinfectant and sterilant. Peracetic acid is a primary irritant, a mutagen [See NIOSH RTECS database] and so contact with both the liquid and the vapor are potentially hazardous. OSHA has not set permissible exposure levels yet for peracetic acid, but employers should still ensure that employees are protected from exposure under the General duty clause [in section 5 of the OSH Act of 1970 in the US, and similar laws in other countries]. In the US, the EPA has determined acute exposure guidelines for peracetic acid. If using peracetic acid, it is important to ensure that there are adequate engineering controls in place, ventilation and continuous monitoring to prevent vapor exposure, personal protective equipment (gloves, safety glasses, apron etc) and spill kits if there is a possibility of a spill.

What is a peracetic acid formation mechanism with acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide?

When acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide are mixed together, they react to form peracetic acid in a two-step process. First, acetic acid reacts with hydrogen peroxide to form peroxymonosulfuric acid. This intermediate then undergoes further transformation to yield peracetic acid as the final product. Peracetic acid is a strong oxidizing agent and antimicrobial compound commonly used in disinfection and sterilization processes.

How do you prepare peracetic acid?

Peracetic acid is typically prepared by reacting acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalyst, such as sulfuric acid or a strong acid ion exchange resin. The process requires careful control of the reaction conditions to ensure the right concentration and purity of peracetic acid is produced. It is important to follow appropriate safety protocols due to the corrosive and reactive nature of peracetic acid.

What happens when you mix an acid with an acid?

it forms an acidic solution

When A chemist has one solution that is 80 acid and another solution that is 30 acid. How much of the first (80) solution is needed to make a 400 L solution that is 62 acid?

You need 256 litres.

A chemist has one solution that is 80 percent acid and another solution that is 30 percent acid How much of the second 30 percent solution is needed to make a 400 L solution that is 62 percent acid?


What is ch3co3h?

CH3CO3H is the chemical formula for acetic percarbonic acid, which is used as a bleaching agent in some cleaning products. It is a peroxy acid with a structure similar to hydrogen peroxide, but with an additional acetyl (CH3CO) group.

A chemist has one solution that is 80 percent acid and another solution that is 30 percent acid How much of the first 80 percent solution is needed to make a 400 L solution that is 62 percent acid?

To create a 400 L solution that is 62% acid, you would need 200 L of the 80% acid solution and 200 L of the 30% acid solution. This would result in a final solution with the desired concentration.

What harm will it do to mix Peracetic acid with chlorine?

Mixing peracetic acid with chlorine can produce harmful byproducts such as chlorine gas, which is toxic and can cause respiratory issues. It is important to avoid mixing these two chemicals as it can lead to serious health risks and potential exposure to dangerous fumes.

What happens when a weak acid and a strong base combine?

When a weak acid and a strong base combine, the resulting solution will be basic because the strong base will completely neutralize the weak acid. The pH of the solution will be higher than 7.