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That all depends on how much you get the person owning the rosary angry.

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Q: What happens when you play with rosaries?
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Related questions

Do Christians use rosaries?

Only Catholics use rosaries. Other Christians do not.

What is the plural form of rosary?

The plural form of rosary is rosaries.

What is the plural of rosary?

The plural form for the singular noun rosary is "rosaries."

What to do with old rosaries?

Broken rosaries should be buried. It would be good to bury them on each corner of your home.

What are religious beads called?

In the Catholic Church, there are Rosaries.

Is banning rosaries in schools against freedom of religion?

Absolutely! Rosaries are a religious item, therefore banning them ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES goes against the First Amendment.

How old are chapel sterling rosaries?

100 years old

What are the ratings and certificates for NYPD Blue - 1993 Guns 'n Rosaries 1-21?

NYPD Blue - 1993 Guns 'n Rosaries 1-21 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14

Can you get a rosary blessed by the pope?

If you are present in the Vatican City during an address by the Pope, he will sometimes bless rosaries and other religious items you have with you. However, the Pope does not do a "mass-blessing" of rosaries to be sold in stores or online.

Where can you find low-priced quality rosaries?

Most Catholic book/gift stores would be able to offer you a selection or give you the names of certain distributors. However, when it comes down to it, the best rosaries are usually hand-crafted made by people in your community or in other countries where such skills are still retained and passed on. If you visit a convent or monastery where rosaries are made by the religious living there you will find the best crafted rosaries in the world - usually they are reasonably priced and sometimes all that is asked is a donation. Some of these convents and monasteries may have websites where such things are posted. Dominican monasteries, whose founder St. Dominic was given the Rosary by the Blessed Virgin Mary, are renowned for excellent rosaries.

What is Chapel sterling?

Usually, holly sterling used in religious pendants and rosaries...

Why can't Catholics wear roseries?

Most people that wear rosaries around their neck are trying to be "tuff" (a word from the Outsiders by S.E.Hinton) and aren't wearing them for the because they mean it. Catholics don't wear the rosaries around their neck because they are holy.