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Q: What happens when you pull or push a spring?
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Push the spring and pull the cylinder out

What happens to a spring when a load is applied to it?

You compress it Well, it ALL depends on how hard you push down on the spring.

What happens to the length of the spring when you pull it?

It gets bigger lol

What is a push-pull throttle cable for motorcycles?

A push-pull throttle is a very misunderstood thing. It is a dual cable throttle operation where in the pull cable is what opens the throttle plates. And, the push cable along with a throttle return spring is what closes the throttle plates.

What is push-pull ruler?

A flexible steel rule, spring assisted, that coils to its own case after use

What are the main properties of p waves?

It happens first, and has a push and pull motion (longitudinal).

How do you take the push rod out of the master cylinder?

Should just pull-out Check for spring clip at end of cylinder

What happens to the marshmallows in the syringe as i push the plunger down What happens to the marshmallows in the syringe as i pull the plunger up?

When you push the plunger of a syringe down into a marshmallow, it puffs up with air. When you pull the plunger of the syringe up while it is in the marshmallow, it will shrink.

Is push up a push or pull?

It is a push and a pull. When you move your body towards the ground, it is a pull. A pull as in a pull to the ground. It is a push when you are moving away from the ground.

Is force a push or a pull?

A push or a pull is a force

What is a push pull?

what is a pull-push rule

How do you get my PSP memory card to stay in my PSP?

The memory card slot is spring loaded, you just have to push the card until it clicks into place. Then to release, you push it again and the spring will make enough of the card protrude from the PSP so you can pull it out.