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It makes fire in your butt cuz your fart is gas.

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Q: What happens when you put a match up to you butt and fart?
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Can a girl put her butt at the boy's face?

yes they can as long as they dont fart

How do you make the ultimate fart?

Hold a whistle to your butt hole and put pepper inside....Every time you fart it will result in a musical explosion of sneezes. Or eat beans.

What happens when you put water in your butt hole?

Well you will think u have to fart but u squirt it out with your butt hole P.s. you will have to have a Medicean squirt thingy and put water in it and squirt.

Do ladies fart?

Yes, Ladies fart and sometimes they are real stinkers!!!!!!!!! I'm a lady i fart and they dont smell like roses god put it there an i belive its gotta come out!!!! nice question!! butt its stupid did you see what i did there

Can a fart kill a fly that is near your butt?

Yes, a fart can kill a fly that's near your butt. One time I was outside and I had a fart ready to release, but a annoying fly came around and began flying around my butt, so, I tried to swat it away, but then after I put by butt next to it, and released the toxic fart. It felt good after since I relieved myself, but the fly died after. So, farts can kill flies that are around your butt. That'll teach them. Especially if you don't have any pants or underwear on, since they get the full blast and smell.

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If you have a block of solid hydrogen you can make it melt under the right conditions.

How can you enter on mi action replay game auto - detection details?

well you put a fart into a fart then you fart

Do flomingos fart?

Yes, Flamingos do fart put they do only about twice a week!

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Your team is put down for not here

How do you fart with your hands?

LOL no.. xD you only fart with your butt . to make the farting noise you put your hands like an 'x' and squeeze away. like you would with your armpit. wet hands just bit. just try diffrent ways.

What happens when you drop a match in a water bottle then put the top on the water bottle?

If the match is lit and the bottle is empty, the match will burn all the oxygen and then it will go out, since it requires oxygen to keep burning. If the bottle is full, you will have a wet match.

How do you make a fart in a jar?

Put a jar on your butthole, fart. Cover the jar up fast. Smell It!! LOL! :)