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Nothing, they will probably become friends. Female turtles are very compatible. Now, you don't want to have multiple males in a tank with out more than enough females to go around because they will fight.

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Q: What happens when you put two girl turtles in the same tank?
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Can you put a mussel or clam in the same tank as baby turtles?

No, a mussel or clam cannot be put in the same tank as a baby turtle. Baby turtles, as well as adult turtles will eat mussels and clams.

How many turtles can you fit in a 40 gallon tank?

Depending on the species, one or two. Turtles will keep growing through their entire lives, overcrowding or expecting them to only grow to the size of the tank is something that usually leads to dead turtles.

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Can pet turtles male and female live in the same tank?

No. Not unless you're prepared to take care of all the baby turtles they will have together.

Can you put a baby painted turtles of different genders in the same tank?

Yes you can! In fact it is recommended that you do!

Can you keep red eared sliders turtles and eastern mud turtles together?

I have mine together in the same tank and they are fine so I don't see why not.

Can you have 2 map turtles and a yellow belly turtle in the same tank?

If it's a huge tank, has an outstanding filter, and has two or three large basking spots each with UVB light (large means that it can fit all three turtles on it).

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No they will kill each other

Can red eared sliders be in the same tank with other turtles?

Yes they can as long as you follow the rule about 10 gallons per inch of shell for all turtles. For instance= 2 2 inch turtles need 40 gallons not just 20. Make sure the turtles are near the same size and you don't have two males or there will be aggression. Also, if you have a male and a female prepare for them to mate. Also, the tank gets dirtier a lot faster.

What size of tank should small turtles be in?

About a 20 gallon tank.

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tutles and fish should NEVER be kept together

Can red slider turtles and a betta fish be in the same tank?

probably not. they have different kind of food and they might get mixed up