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Well you will think u have to fart but u squirt it out with your butt hole P.s. you will have to have a Medicean squirt thingy and put water in it and squirt.

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11y ago
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rusiru chamika

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1d ago

Introducing water into the rectum, commonly known as "anal douching," can potentially disrupt the balance of bacteria in the gut and increase the risk of infection. It can also lead to irritation of the delicate tissues in the rectum and potentially cause damage to the rectal lining. It's essential to proceed with caution and consult a healthcare professional for guidance on safe practices if needed.

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12y ago

If you eat your own poop, or any poop, you will get sick because of the bacteria. and you'll puke on someone

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14y ago

you will die. no questions

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4y ago

i eat evryday

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Q: What happens when you put water in your butt hole?
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Depends on what "tree" you put in

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Tell him he is an a hole then put him on the couch until he figures out what he did wrong

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To whom this concerns... you should not even try that. It is rude and obnoxious. How would u feel if a gay guy tried to convince u to let him put it in your butt hole?

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because they both come from swims in water....period blood is red water!! dumb butt ( i put butt because if i put crotch you wouldnt know what that is!)

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yes they are real. you put them in the butt hole and wiggle it around,mass technology networking and it true

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dig a hole and put water in it