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Q: What happens when you see nearly full Venus?
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What helped provide evidence that the planets orbit around the sun rather than the earth?

We sometimes see gibbous (nearly but not quite full) Venus. In the Ptolemaic system, we should never see more than a crescent in Venus. Because we do in fact see more, the Ptolemaic model must be wrong. The full range of phases that we see for Venus is consistent only with the idea that Venus orbits the Sun. Galileo was the first to observe the phases of Venus - and hence to find this evidence in support of the Sun-centered system - because he was the first to observe Venus through a telescope. Without a telescope, we cannot tell that Venus goes through phases.

How is the postioin of the full moon in relation to earth and the sun different form the position of the full venus in relation to earth and the sun?

The planet Venus is _NEVER_ seen in the full phase, because it never gets anywhere near the Earth. Venus is in a closer orbit to the Sun than the Earth is, so when Venus is closest to the Earth, it's pretty close to being between the Earth and the Sun. In fact, Venus passes directly between the Earth and the Sun twice per century, most recently in 2004. We call this a "transit of Venus".So we only see Venus in its crescent phases.Think about it . . . In order to see the complete illuminated side of Venus,we'd have to be looking at it through the sun.

What is Venus size in relation to other planets?

See related link for a full pictorial.

When Venus is in its full phase what phase would Earth be in as seen by a hypothetical Venetian?

Full. When Venus is full it is on the other side of the Sun, so Venusians would see the Earth also on the other side of the Sun and thus it would also appear "full".

What happens on a full moon?

that is when u see were wolves

From Venus' can you see Jupiter?

yes you can see Jupiter from venus

Does Mars go through phases similar to the moon?

Only partly. We never see Mars in a crescent or new phase, just the full and gibbous phases. That's because Mars is farther away from the Sun than the Earth is, so we never see it "inside" our orbit. On the other hand, we see the crescent and gibbous phases of the planet Venus, but never the full or new phases, because when Venus would be "new", it's too close to the Sun to be observed - and when Venus would be "full", it's on the other side of the Sun, and not visible!

What is Venus' atmosphere like?

the atmos. is very thick. it is impossible to see 2 feet in front of you and it is full of deadly gases.

In what phase of Venus can you sometimes see that planet eclipsed by the sun?

When Venus goes behind the Sun (as viewed from Earth), its phase is full. You can't see it, of course. When it transits the Sun (passes between the Sun and the Earth), it's in its dark phase.

Can you see Venus' from Singapore?

planet venus

When would you expect to see Venus high in the sky at midnight?

If we could see it, it would be highest in the sky at noon. But a full Venus always occurs when it's on the opposite side of the Sun; we therefore cannot see it from the Earth. That's assuming that a "full" Venusmeans its phase is exactly 100%. We often look at a moon that is only 99% "full" and call that a full moon. So there might be sometimes that Venus is visible and very close to full. Even if you require a 100% full Venus, you can imagine a time when you could see it and, since this is imagined anyway, it might as well be directly overhead. What if Venus is 100% full during a solar eclipse? Venus is usually just enough above or below the sun to be visible through the corona but then it might be only 99.97% full. This imaginary solar eclipse could be at 11:30 a.m. Mar 26, 2029 in Adelaide, Australia and Mercury and Neptune might be visible as well (with a binocular perhaps).

What did Galileo see when he observed Venus through his telescope?
