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Q: What happens when you shine a light at fish in the night?
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Do fish need a light at night?

no it dosent

Do fish need light at night?

no they do not need light they need sleep.

What are some examples of phosphorous materials?

Jelly fish are a good example of phosphorous materials. Jelly fish shine at night and can be seen very easily floating in water. Other amoeba also have phosphorous characteristics and also shine in the dark.

Do betta like light?

they can not be in direct sunlight, but a little light is good.My beta fish Red Fish loves his little lamp on his shelf. I think he is more active at night with his lamp and music on

Are fish attracted to infrared light?

want to know if fishes are attracted to infrared light as i want to record a video underwater at night and wanting to use infrared light

Why should you have to shut the fish tank light off at night?

so you don't waste electiricty... and so that you don't heat up the water with the light

What are the names of fishes that produce light?

john( the fish produces light ), Mary ( the fish produces light ), ,Toby ( the fish produces light ), may ( the fish produces light ),

Can fish tell when it's spring?

Yes, a fish can tell when it is spring or winter as long as it can see the change in the amount of time there is light. Their brains detect when the day or night is longer or shorter, which will tell it the season. Some breeders use this to trick the fish into thinking it is time to breed by altering the amount of time the fish see light each day.

Where do light fish live?

light fish live in the artic ocean

If you bought a fish from a store that has lights on 24-7 should you put a light on the fish at night?

No. In pet stores the fish do not have lights on 24/7 as you said anyway, Fish do not have eyelids so they cannot shut their eyes to sleep, this means they need pure light to see and pure darkness to sleep. I keep the light on for something like 6-9 hours per day and leave the light of at night so my little fishee wishee's can get some sleep. Its good for the tank to look pretty as with the lights but just think; if you had to try and sleep with lights beaming down on you?? Hope this helps ........................................................................................................................................... also if you have an aggressive fish (like i do) ex Florida gar fish, piranha or Oscar leaving the light on 24/7 can irritate them and actually make them more aggressive

Where can you find the long necklace worn by Jennifer Aniston on love happens?

Jennifer Aniston's hat is available at the where the Sun don't Shine Store located in the deepest and darkest crevice between your legs and behind the dead fish market.

Do today's lipsticks contain fish scales?

some of them are but only to give the lip stick a shine to it!