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You travel in a circle.

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Q: What happens when your velocity and net force are perpendicular to each other?
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When are velocity and acceleration perpendicular to each other?

When body is moving in a circle.

Is there any point along the path of projectile where velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendicular to each other?

Using the term "trajectory" implies that the acceleration you are concerned about is due to gravity. Gravity will always be perpendicular to the surface. Unless the trajectory begins perpendicular to the surface, it will never change to become perpendicular and the velocity will never be in a direction parallel to the acceleration. If it starts perpendicular to the surface it will start and remain perpendicular. Of course if you have another force acting on the object - such as wind - the component of the velocity vector parallel to the ground could be reduced to zero and at that point the only remaining component of the velocity vector would be that perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the acceleration. Likewise if the object is being propelled by an engine or rocket, the trajectory could be parallel to the force any time the acceleration vector became parallel to the velocity vector.

What happens if you throw a rock where gravity and friction have no influence?

If no force (gravity, friction, or any other force) acts on an object, it will continue moving indefinitely, without changing its velocity (i.e., speed and direction).

What is the difference between perpendicular force and resultant force?

Perpendicular force means they act at right angles to each other, while the resultant is the summation of all the forces acting. The determination of the resultant force often needs vector calculus .

The largest velocity reached by a falling object is its what?

Its terminal velocity. This happens when the net force on the object is zero and therefore it stops accelerating. This makes sense intuitively because the faster something falls, the more air resistance it experiences. Once this air resistance force reaches the force of weight of the object, terminal velocity has been reached.

Related questions

The force of gravity opposes what other force?

The force of gravity opposes acceleration away from the source of the gravity. This is expressed as "centrifugal force" or the perpendicular component of a tangential velocity. The balance between these keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun.

When are velocity and acceleration perpendicular to each other?

When body is moving in a circle.

Is there any point along the path of projectile where velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendicular to each other?

Using the term "trajectory" implies that the acceleration you are concerned about is due to gravity. Gravity will always be perpendicular to the surface. Unless the trajectory begins perpendicular to the surface, it will never change to become perpendicular and the velocity will never be in a direction parallel to the acceleration. If it starts perpendicular to the surface it will start and remain perpendicular. Of course if you have another force acting on the object - such as wind - the component of the velocity vector parallel to the ground could be reduced to zero and at that point the only remaining component of the velocity vector would be that perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the acceleration. Likewise if the object is being propelled by an engine or rocket, the trajectory could be parallel to the force any time the acceleration vector became parallel to the velocity vector.

What happens to an object when a force acts on it over time?

If there is no counter-force (such as friction), in other words, if there is a NON-ZERO NET FORCE, the object will accelerate. That is to say, its velocity will change.

What happens if you throw a rock where gravity and friction have no influence?

If no force (gravity, friction, or any other force) acts on an object, it will continue moving indefinitely, without changing its velocity (i.e., speed and direction).

What is the difference between perpendicular force and resultant force?

Perpendicular force means they act at right angles to each other, while the resultant is the summation of all the forces acting. The determination of the resultant force often needs vector calculus .

The largest velocity reached by a falling object is its what?

Its terminal velocity. This happens when the net force on the object is zero and therefore it stops accelerating. This makes sense intuitively because the faster something falls, the more air resistance it experiences. Once this air resistance force reaches the force of weight of the object, terminal velocity has been reached.

Why doesn't the Moon travel in straight line and continue in space?

The normal tendency of objects - when no force acts on them - is to move in a straight line, at a constant speed and direction (that is, a constant velocity). However, when there is a force, an object's velocity may be changed. That's what happens to the Moon, as well as to other objects in some orbit. In this case, the force is provided by gravitational attraction from Earth.

What is the force that causes the velocity of an object to change?

Any force causes the velocity of an object to change, as long as it is not exactly compensated by one or a group of other forces that exactly cancel its influence.

What is absolute velocity is it the other name for the velocity of a free falling body when the net force of air resistance and gravity is zero?

yes. also called terminal velocity.

What are Velocity and Force?

Velocity: the rate of change of position. Force:what causes a mass to accelerate 7 types of force:strong, electromagnetic,weak, and gravitational

Let v and a represent the velocity and accelerationrespestivelyof an automobileDescribe circumstances in whichv and a are parallelv and a are antiparallelv and a are perpendicular to one another?

When they are parallel, the automobile has a positive acceleration (it is speeding up). When they are antiparallel (I assume you mean at 180 degrees to each other but in the opposite direction), the automobile has a negative acceleration (it is slowing down). When they are perpendicular they have no effect on each other, therefore the car has a constant velocity.