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Q: What happes after both houses pass the exact same bill?
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When a bill passes in both houses of Congress to whom is the bill sent for final approval?

After a bill passes both Houses of Congress it goes to the President for the final signature.

Where do bill go if both houses of congress approve the bill?

The president

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when a bill is referred to joint meeting of both the houses of indian parliament it has to be passed by

What happens to a bill after a conference committee finishes?

It goes back to both houses for approval.

After a bill passes in the State legislature it is sent to where?

There is a joint conference committee , composed of members of both houses, that try to workout a version of the bill that both houses will accept.

What passing a bill which situation calls for a compromise between the two houses?

A. If identical version of a bill are not passed in both houses, a compromise must be made.

What term refers to a bill that both houses of Congress have passed?

It is an act

When can a bill be sent to president for approval?

After it passes both houses of congress.

What kind of bill is voted on by both houses but has no force of law?

A resolution.

In order for a bill to become law do both houses must pass a bill in identical form?


If both houses of congress approve a bill and send it to the president for her signature what can the president do to reject that bill?

Veto it.

What is the next step after a conference committee complets its work on a bill?

Both houses vote on the bill again.