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viruses.lots of them.

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Q: What harm can come from incorrectly using your computer?
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What do viruses do?

They cause harm to your computer and steal information using various techniques.

Does computer use harm your skin?

General computer use will not harm your skin. People who place their elbows on their desk while typing or using their mouse may run the skin down somewhat, and require the use of a moisturizer to restore normal feel. Using a computer is far more likely to harm your wrists, neck, and eyes.

When using Google you sometimes get at the bottom of some searches This site may harm your computer. Well aren't there sites that can harm your computer but that Google doesn't warn you about?

yes, but you can download software that will check the website, i find that easiest.

Can wolfquest 2.5 harm you computer?

No, WolfQuest 2.5 will not do any harm to your computer.

Are computer networks harmful?

Computer networks - like any resource - are not inherently harmful or beneficial. Their use determines whether they are harmful. Using them incorrectly can certainly cause harm and failure to properly protect and administer them can negatively impact the confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability of the information stored on them, which in turn can be harmful. Properly used and protected, they are incredibly useful and beneficial - facilitating communication and improving lives.

Can vuze exe cause harm to a computer?

No, vuze exe can not cause harm to a computer.

If you use a roach fogger in your room will it harm your computer?

no, it's not likely to harm your computer.

Is rsbot a danger to your computer?

No, Just download it from the offical site, and be careful with what scripts your using. It CAN harm your Runescape account though.

Do computer virus harm a person's health?

no! why does a computer virus harm a person health?? Get a life Man!!

Does lockerz harm your computer?


What kind of dictionary will not harm the computer?

A dictionary is not able to harm anything. It may harm ignorance