

What has 0 neutrons?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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12y ago

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Whoever wrote the answer above clearly is an idiot. At the moment there is no element with 0 neutrons. However, there are theories to an element known as element X. This element is obviously complete theory.

By the way hydrogen has 1 neuron not 0.

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12y ago
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11y ago

there is no element that has no electrons so your stupid

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1w ago

A hydrogen atom in its most common form, known as protium, has 0 neutrons. It consists of one proton and one electron.

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14y ago

An electron does not consist of any smaller particles, it is an elementary particle, and furthermore, neutrons are more than 2000 times heavier than electrons.

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9y ago

Hydrogen, though realize not all versions of Hydrogen do. Different versions called isotopes have different numbers of neutrons.

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12y ago

Hydrogen atoms consist solely of a proton orbited by an electron and thus contain no neutrons.

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8y ago

That is the Hydrogen. It has only a proton

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8y ago

Hydrogen is the only element without a neutron. It has one proton to match the only electron it has.

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12y ago

hydrogen has 0 neutrons

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11y ago


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Hydrogen typically has one proton in its nucleus, and no neutrons. Neutrons are required in the nucleus to stabilize larger atoms against the electric repulsion of the protons. Since hydrogen is the simplest and lightest element, it doesn't require any neutrons to maintain stability.

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An oxygen-16 atom has 8 protons, 8 neutrons, and 8 electrons. This is because the atomic number of oxygen is 8, which defines the number of protons and electrons, and the atomic mass is 16, which includes both protons and neutrons.

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A hydrogen atom usually has 0 neutrons and 1 electron.

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The number of neutrons varies with element and isotope. Hydrogen found in nature has 0, 1, or 2 neutrons. Uranium can have from 141 to 146.

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Protons + Electrons - Neutrons 0

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