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Q: What has Confucianism always advocated as the only means to social reform?
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Henry George's best selling book that advocated social reform through the imposition of a single tax on land?

Progress and Poverty

What was Henry george's best-selling book that advocated social reform through the imposition of a single tax on land?

Progress and Poverty

What did the social gospel advocate to improve?

The social gospel advocated for improving social conditions by applying Christian principles to socioeconomic issues such as poverty, inequality, and injustice. It emphasized the need for social reform and encouraged individuals and communities to address the root causes of social problems.

What were the three most prominent philosophies of rule in the Chinese empire?

The three most prominent philosophies of rule in the Chinese empire were Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism. Confucianism emphasized moral values, virtue, and social harmony, Legalism focused on strict laws and centralized authority to maintain order, and Daoism advocated for living in harmony with nature and embracing simplicity.

What are the three Chinese philosophies and the reason they emerged?

The three Chinese philosophies are Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. Confucianism emphasized moral values, social harmony, and ethical behavior, arising from a period of political turmoil. Daoism focused on living in harmony with the natural order and the Dao, as a response to the rigid social structures of the time. Legalism advocated for strict laws, harsh punishments, and centralized control to maintain social order during a time of instability.

What were the 3 major schools of thought that emerged in china between 500 b.c.?

The three major schools of thought that emerged in China between 500 B.C. were Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. Confucianism emphasized social harmony, moral development, and proper conduct. Daoism focused on living in harmony with the natural flow of the universe. Legalism advocated for strict laws, harsh punishments, and centralized power to maintain social order.

How does Confucianism reinforce social inequality?

Confucianism promotes a hierarchical social structure based on age, gender, and social status, which can reinforce social inequality by emphasizing obedience to authority and acceptance of one's place in society. It also places importance on filial piety, which can perpetuate unequal treatment within families and reinforce power dynamics. Additionally, the emphasis on education and meritocracy in Confucianism can create opportunities for social mobility but also maintain existing social hierarchies.

Henry George's best-selling book that advocated social reform through the imposition of a single tax on land?

Progress and Poverty: An inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions and of increase of want with increase of wealth ... The Remedy.

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Wilson's program of political and social reform was called progessivismWilson's program of political and social reform was called progessivism

What was the goal of the social reform in the 1830?

The goal of social reform in the 1830s was to improve the conditions of life.

What was the belief of many Progressives who followed Walter Rauschenbusch Social Gospel program?

Christianity should be the basis of social reform.

Social hierarchies of Hinduism and Confucianism?

the Confucianism social hierarchy was the social organization of china for the last 2 thousand years. it's not a caste system because it doesn't lock people in an occupation based on birth.