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Q: What has area where particles are spread out?
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What happens in diffusion?

The particles spread into the area provided

Why does diffusion occur in liquids and gases?

Diffusion, the passive movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Particles like to move! Because they like to move, they want to spread out as much as possible. Diffusion happens because the particles want to spread into the remaining fluid, (liquid and gas) to an area of low concentration. Another way of thinking, when you spray deodorant, because of the initial pressure that pushes all of the particles out of the can, they spread out in all directions.

How does diffuision work?

Diffusion is the movement of particles/molecules from a high concentrated area to a low concentrated area until they are evenly spread.

What is an area of crowded particles followed by widely spaced particles?

An area of crowded particles followed by widely spaced particles is known as a density wave. In a density wave, particles are closely packed together in one region, creating a dense area, and then spread out and become less concentrated in another region, resulting in a sparse area. This pattern repeats periodically, forming a wave-like structure.

When particles spread out there named?

In the gas phase, the particles spread out to completely fill their container.

What is the tendency of gases to spread themselves out thinly?

The tendency of gases to spread themselves out thinly is called diffusion. Diffusion is thus a process in which the particles travel from a high concentration area to an area of low concentration.

True or false in a homogeneous mixture particles are spread evenly?

In a homogeneous mixture particles are spread evenly.

What is a passive transport that moves particles away from areas with more particles into areas with fewer particles in order to spread them out?

This is called diffusion, but it is a purely statistical process - randomly moving particles have a higher probability of spreading from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration than the other way around, simply because there are more of them in the area of high concentration.

What is produced from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure?

Diffusion occurs when an area of high pressure meets an area of low pressure. They mix together and create an equilibrium, all particles spread out equally.

When a gas expands whether its density increases or decreases?

the density decreases because the particles spread out and so less particles occupy the same amount of area meaning the substance is less dense.

What does diffution mean?

Diffusion is when particles from a higher concentration spread to an area with a lower concentration.Example: When a teabag is placed into a cup of water, particles of tea leaves diffuse through the bag into the surrounding water.

What happens to particles in a gas?

Particles are spread out to the maximum of the space available.