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When my hair started shedding, I got a good hair serum from Ebay--you add it into your shampoo. It had a lot of pure oils and herbs. It made my hair really thick and it stopped shedding and started growing. Now, I have my hair back.

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Q: What has been proven to grow hair?
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Can your fish grow hair?

No.Although it has been proven that a fish can grow tiny scales that move like hair.

Which products have been proven to make your hair grow faster?

There are many products that have been proven to improve hair growth. Some of these hair growth products include Har Vokse, Groei360, and Healthier Regrow.

How keep your hair nice?

If Your Bald, Brushing The Hair You Have Left Is Proven To Keep It There And Grow Some Back!

What happens if i shave my moustache when it doesnt have hair?

Some say it helps it come in faster/grow fuller but don't think has been proven to be true

Has Procerin been proven to work?

Currently, Procerin hasn't been proven to work in hair loss problems. The people who say Procerin to be working are the marketers of it. The only proven hair loss remedies are Propecia and Rogaine.

When you go to the shower and you brush your hair does it grow?

It is a proven fact that combing/brushing the hair stimulates hair growth... However, under the shower - it has no effect.

Will Mane and Tail Shampoo add inches to my hair growth?

I have heard this to be true but I would not bet on it. It may make your hair soft and easier to comb but I don't think it has been scientifically proven to actually make the hair grow longer.

How do you get your hair to grow out faster?

i guess wash every 2 to 3 weeks and condition and don't hot curl ypur hair a lot and brush brush brush your hair.

How do you grow longer hair?

Contrary to popular myth, trimming your hair frequently does not make it grow faster, however, it can help prevent split ends, which can make your hair look more healthy. In order to grow longer hair, be patient, stay healthy, get enough sleep, and eat a balanced, nutrient-filled diet with lots of protein (which is what your body makes hair out of).

Will hair grow back on your head if it has been ripped out and your a women?

yes your hair will grow backwill grow back.

What are hair regrowth treatments for women?

Today, hair transplants are the only proven hair regrowth treatment. Hair transplants will allow a woman to grow hair in an area where her hair is gone.

How can one make the hair grow faster?

Generally, there are no techniques that can make hair grow faster, including hair trimming, follicle stimulation, and special hair products. The only proven way to increase hair growth speed is to increase consumption of amino acids through diet change.