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Q: What has helped to contribute to the spread of E. coli 0157H7 in America?
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The rise of the merchant class contributed to the spread of humanism by fostering a wealthy and educated class that supported humanistic ideals such as individualism, education, and the arts. Merchants' patronage of scholars, artists, and writers helped spread humanistic ideas through cultural exchange and the creation of networks that transcended traditional boundaries. Their support for education and the arts also helped to establish humanism as a cultural movement that emphasized the value of human potential and achievement.

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The effect of Olmec trade in meso-america was it helped spread Olmec influence.

How did Clovis and Charlemagne contribute to the spread Christianity?

Clovis made Christianity the only religion in Europe and Charlemagne killed those who weren't Christian Hope I helped:)

How did Paul contribute to the spread of Christianity?

Paul of Tarsus, who was previously known as Saul spread Christianity as the first Christian missionary, or person who spreads their belief to non-believers. He travelled across the Roman Empire, sending Christian messages to gentiles and non-Jewish communities as well as to Jews. This allowed more people to follow the faith. He preached about Christianity in new areas where no one had preached before, and established Christianity there.

What European leaders helped spread Christianity?

Kings and Monasteries helped to spread Christianity.

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Salons helped to spread enlightenment ideals.

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the printing press helped spread his idea around.

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the printing press helped spread his idea around.

Who in the Renaissance helped spread ideas quickly?

The printing press helped spread the ideas of the Renaissance.