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A flooded lead acid battery, such as an automotive battery.

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Q: What has six wet cells made of lead and lead dioxide plates that are in sulfuric acid solution?
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What types of solutions are contain in wet cells?

electrolyte solutions

Do cells use carbon dioxide?

No. Animal cells use Oxygen and give off carbon dioxide as a waste product. Plant cells use carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

Do animal cells have cell plates and walls?


How does carbon dioxide get to your cells?

By the esophagus and then it gets into your blood cells.

Do animal cells use carbon dioxide?

Yes, animal cells produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct of cellular respiration. This carbon dioxide is then released into the bloodstream and transported to the lungs to be exhaled out of the body.

Do you need carbon dioxide in cells to survive?

No, cells do not need carbon dioxide to survive. In fact, excessive carbon dioxide can be harmful and toxic to cells. Cells require oxygen for respiration, which is essential for producing energy.

What carries carbon dioxide wastes away from the cells of the body?

Carbon dioxide wastes are carried away from cells by the bloodstream, specifically by red blood cells. These cells transport carbon dioxide back to the lungs where it can be exhaled from the body.

Why is a car battery called a wet cell?

The cells in the battery are in a liquid (sulfuric acid).

What kind of cells is a car battery made up of?

Cells in a normal car 12v battery are composed of lead and sulfuric acid.

What happens to a cell plant cell or animal cell when placed in following solution a hypotonic solution b isotonic solution c hypertonic solution?

When placed in an isotonic solution (i.e. a solution where the concentration of water molecules is roughly equal to the that within cells), there is equal diffusion of water into and out of the cells. Therefore, the cells find this environment suitable. In a hypotonic solution (i.e. a solution where the concentration of water molecules is much more than that within cells) water diffuses into cells as a result of which the cells swell. Excessive swelling causes the cells to burst, a phenomenon called cell lysis In a hypertonic solution (i.e. a solution where the concentration of water molecules is lesser than that within cells) water moved out from within cells to the surrounding medium. As a result of this, cells shrink.

What process carries oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from cells?

Respiration is the process that carries oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide from them. Blood carries the oxygen to the cells.

5 percent glucose solution is isotonic for red blood cell if red blood cell are kept in 2 percent glucose solution what will happen to the cells. what such a solution called?

2% glucose solution is considered as a hypotonic solution for that the solution will enter the semi-permeable membrane of the red blood cells causing the cells to explode or burst. Why? It's because RBCs have a higher concentration inside it than that of the 2% glucose solution so the solution will enter the cells.