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Q: What has some of the earliest human fossils in Africa?
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Is Sahara some of the earliest human fossils have been found?

No, the Sahara desert is not where some of the earliest human fossils have been found. The earliest human fossils have been discovered in other parts of Africa, such as the Great Rift Valley and South Africa. The Sahara, being a desert, is not conducive to preserving fossils from this early period.

Is the Sahara where some of the earliest human fossils were found?

No, Olduvai Gorge, south and east of the Sahara.

What continent do scientist call the origin of mankind?

The continent that scientists call the origin of mankind is Africa. This is as a result of finding some of the oldest human fossils in Africa.

Why is Africa called the motherland?

Africa is often called the motherland because it is believed to be the birthplace of humanity. This is where some of the oldest known human fossils have been found, suggesting that early humans originated in Africa. Additionally, many African cultures view the continent as the source of their identity and heritage.

What were some of the things that the first people ate?

Humans are natural homnivores - they eat anything. The earliest human fossils have been found in Africa, so it's likely they ate anything they could find in the African Savannah - probably mainly fruit, roots and scavanged kills.

Where did the first human beings live?

The first human beings are believed to have originated in Africa, specifically in the region of East Africa. This area is often referred to as the "Cradle of Humankind" as it is where some of the earliest evidence of human ancestors and early human species have been found.

Why Africa is called the cradle of mankind?

Africa is referred to as the cradle of all mankind because we have traced the roots of all mankind back to Africa, specifically, East Africa. Some scientists believe that the earliest came from Africa because of the fossils - those discovered at sites in northern, eastern, and southern Africa provide the oldest evidence of human-like creatures and people found anywhere in the world,

When is the earliest trace of humans on earth?

The earliest traces of humans on Earth date back to about 2.8 million years ago, with the discovery of hominin fossils in Ethiopia being some of the earliest evidence of human ancestors. These early hominins were part of the genus Australopithecus, such as "Lucy" (Australopithecus afarensis), and represent our early evolutionary history.

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Why is Africa south of the Sahara called the cradle of the human race?

The reason why paleontologists believe that Africa is the birthplace of humanity is that the oldest human remains, as well as other hominid remains that are believed to have an evolutionary connection to the human race, have been found in Africa (specifically in Kenya). The oldest human ancestor discovered was found in Ethiopia, a small brained 50-kilogram female named Ardi.

What was on of the earliest forms of life?

Stromatolites are one of the earliest known life forms; some fossils may date back 3.5 billion years - before Earth had any oxygen in it's atmosphere.

How does the position of fossils in layers show evolutionary changes?

Assuming the layers aren't deformed, the lowest deposition layers are the earliest. Later deposition layers accumulate on top of the earlier layers. Thus, the lowest layers have the earliest fossils, and the highest layers have newer fossils. By comparing the features of early and late fossils of a species, you can determine some of its evolutionary changes. Of course, not all features survive in a fossil - soft tissues, for example.