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Transverse Tubules

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Q: What has the function of transmitting a muscle impulse into the interior of the cell?
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What is potassiums function?

Potassium maintains proper fluid balance, nerve impulse function, muscle function, and cardiac function.

When a nerve impulse reaches the end of a motor neuron?

It fulfills its prime function - it turns that muscle ON - for a duration.

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What role does the unique structure of cardiac muscle play in its function?

Cardiac muscle has what is known as intercalated disks. These connect heart muscle cells to each other, which allows an impulse (contraction) to move through the heart synchronously and therefore beat as it should.

When a muscle contracts it does what?

In order for a muscle to contract, the brain sends a nerve impulse to the muscle it wants to contract. The nerve impulse triggers the potassium inside the muscle fiber cell to switch places with the calcium outside the cell wall, thereby feeding the cell and contracting the muscle. A second nerve impulse from the brain triggers the calcium to switch places with the potassium, releasing the contracted muscle.

What is the function of the transverse tubules in muscle activation?

What is the function of the transverse tubules, is it the place where actin and myosin interact or the storage of calcium ions, or to transmit muscle impulses into the cell interior?

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What monitors muscle length and sends an impulse to the spinal cord to indicate the stretch reflex

What happens to a muscle when an electrical impulse from a nerve stops?


Does the impulse cross the neuromuscular junction when a muscle contracts?

No, the impulse traveling down the axon ends at the axon terminal but causes the axon terminal to release neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft causing the sarcolemma of the muscle to initiate its own impulse.

What is the role of the tubules?

What is the function of the transverse tubules, is it the place where actin and myosin interact or the storage of calcium ions, or to transmit muscle impulses into the cell interior?

What steps involved in transmitting the impulse from one neuron to another and then to the muscle fiber?

Brain send the message via nerve impulses involving neurons which use the neuro-transmitter AcetylcholineEach nerve impulse begins in the dendrites of a neuron's. the impulse move rapidly toward the neuron's cell body and then down the axon until it reaches the axon tip.a nerve impulse travels along the neuron in the form of electrical and chemical signals.Acetylcholine- a neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction triggers a muscle action potential, which leads to muscle contraction