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They are on DNA. DNA is in nucleus

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Q: What has the instructions for assembling proteins?
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What carry instructions for assembling proteins out of the nucleus?

Messenger RNA (mRNA)

Instructions for assembling amino acids into proteins are carried in?

Genetic translation in the first stage of protein biosynthesismessenger RNA (mRNA) carries instructions that are required for assembling asmino acids into proteins (a process called translation)

Is responsible for assembling proteins in the cell.?

Ribosomes are responsible for assembling proteins in the cell.Ribosomes are responsible for assembling proteins in the cell.

Gene contains instructions for assembling?

Proteins. They determine the sequence of amino acids which in turn determines the primary structure of a protein.

What do genes carry instructions for assembling?

Gene is a segment of DNA. So gene put together makes a DNA molecule.

What is the function of the messenger rna?

The function of messenger RNA is to carry copies of the instructions for assembling amino acids into proteins to the rest of the cell or, more specifically, to the ribosomes.

What is responsible for the assembling of proteins?

RNA assembles amino acids into proteins.

What is the RNA's messenger function?

The function of messenger RNA is to carry copies of the instructions for assembling amino acids into proteins to the rest of the cell or, more specifically, to the ribosomes.

Genes contain instructions fro assembling?


Instructions for assembling amino acids into proteins?

Proteins are made from amino acids, there are different types of proteins in our body ane the order of the amino acids determines the type of amino acid cus it sure helped me :)

What instructions are building proteins?

DNA contains the instructions to make proteins.

When DNA does not provide instructions for assembling a protein properly?

When DNA does not provide instructions for assembling a protein properly, this could be dangerous. This is caused by inability of the genes to pass the encoded message to amino acids.