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Q: What has the most developed economy in Africa?
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South Africa has a developed economy do you agree or not?

Yes, because South Africa is Africas most developed country.

What is the most developed country in West Africa?

Ghana is the most developed country in west africa since is the fastest growth economy in the world

Which is the most developed nation in Africa?

South Africa has the 22nd biggest economy in the world, and the biggest in Africa. Therefore SA is the most developing nation in Africa. south Africa is the answer to this question.

Which country of Sub-Saharan Africa has the most balanced and developed industrial economy?

South Africa is the country in Sub-Saharan that has the most balanced and developed economy. This can be attributed to visionary leaders and proper management of the country's resources.

In which type of country is one most likely to find a traditional economy?


What is the best African country to live in?

South Africa without a doubt. It has a stable government and the most developed economy on the continent.

Is Mauritius a developing country?

Mauritius has a developed economy, one of the most important in Sub-Saharan Africa. The living conditions and health are developed, with very few outbreaks, but still not equal to Europe. Geographically, most of the land is developed, farming land, or tourist sites. The politics are developed, with a republic multi-party government. So, Mauritius is a developed country.

What kind of economy do most North Africa countries have?

they have a developing economy.

What is Africa's type of economy?

Africa as a whole is a continent that comprises of many countries. But the sugested economy practice by most africans is a socialist economy.

What are the 5 most valuable countries in Africa?

Here is my list: South Africa. Largest economy.Very diverse and most developed in Africa. Egypt. Very populous. Rich history. 2nd largest economy. A diverse population. Nigeria. Most Populous nation in Africa. Very large economy. Oil rich. Very Diverse. ~Ethopia. Very populous. Rich history. However, very small economy. ~Sudan. One of the fastest growing economies in the world. Diverse. Has oil.

Which country is most developed in Africa?


Is South Africa a developing or developed country?

South Africa has a tier two economy. One part showing very strong traits of a developed region, but due to it's high unemployment and inequality it's officially classified as a developing or emerging economy.