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Books should not be banned from anything. Read Fahrenheit 451 if you still disagree well then just don't read it or let your kids read it, simple, I believe.

In America, it's all due to the errors of political correctness. One person can claim to be offended by a book without any reasonable explanation, and an entire school board will immediately ban it for fear of being labeled a racist or bigot. (For example: Huckleberry Finn)

The American Library Association has a website that lists books that have been banned somewhere in the United States. As the previous contributors noted, it's almost always school boards that do so because they are over-reacting to a complaint from someone who has probably not even read the book in the first place. The fact that To Kill A Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finnare always on the ALA list, year after year, condemned as racist books in spite of the fact that they are absolutely anti-racist in every possible respect, is a sad commentary on American illiteracy and many school boards' lack of integrity.

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1mo ago

A book may be banned if it is deemed to contain content that is seen as inappropriate, offensive, controversial, or goes against societal norms or values. Banning may also occur if the book is considered harmful, incites violence, or is in violation of laws or regulations.

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16y ago

Books can be restricted by an outright ban or through less forms of social or political pressure. One formal method is a legislative prohibition of certain subjects and texts being taught in schools, including Tennessee's 1925 law proscribing the teaching of evolution in schools Another method of book banning occurs through postal and customs restrictions. The federal government has prohibited the importation and interstate of works since the middle of the nineteenth century, most famously by the so-called (1873), which is still in effect in modified form. Since 1960, literary works dealing with sexual themes have enjoyed strong First Amendment protection, but before this time the U.S. Post and Customs Offices banned classic works such as Ulysses, Leaves of Grass, Tropic of Cancer, and God's Little Acre. Only after a federal court extended First Amendment protection to D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover in Grove Press v. Christenberry (1959) have works with literary merit been assured of escaping federal censorship. Book banning also prominently takes the form of removing books from libraries or other sources. Traditional moralists have continued to single out books dealing with controversial social and sexual subjects, including teenage sexual exploration, such as in Judy Blume's Forever, homosexuality in Michael Willhoite's Daddy's Roommate, and racial tensions, such as in Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In 1982, the Supreme Court heard a case where a school board removed Slaughterhouse-Five, The Naked Ape, and Soul on Ice from the school library for being "anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and just plain" The Court ruled in Board of Education Island Trees Union Free School District v. Picothat books may not be removed if the decision to do so is motivated by of the viewpoint expressed in the book. -from

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12y ago

It means that certain places in the world took that particular book off of the shelf so that it can not be read by children. This is usually done because parents get together and say they do not like this book because of a certain reason. Sometimes it even goes to trial.

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10y ago

The Legion of Decency and its branch line, the National Office for Decent Literature were among the private safeguards.. Internally, the Movie Production code banned certain topics for movies- but that is movies. N.O.D.L. targeted books, and related reading matter such as comic books and magazines. I do not think either of these agencies is still extant. Both operated under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church. The Legion of Decency was founded in l934.

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13y ago

As far as I know, the book is simply withdrawn from the shelves of all bookshops in the country it is banned in and a fine is imposed for anyone in the country who sells the book regardless.

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13y ago

Yes. Books are an important form of free speech and communication, as well as a major learning and work aid.

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17y ago

A book that has been challenged and declared "prohibited" for the public (or a group).

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