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Move to the right

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Q: What has to happen for something to appear moving to the left of you?
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When moving the slide left on a microscope which direction does it appear it is moving in?

A microscope inverts and transposes an image. A move left will therefore appear to move right through the eyepiece.

If an object is moving to the left at a constant speed and your eyes are rotating to the left at twice the speed how will you see the object?

The object will appear to be moving to the right in your visual field. This is because your visual field is moving to the left faster than the object is moving to the left. What you will see is that the object will appear in your visual field on the left, and the object will move across your visual field to the right.

When you face north the sun and the stars appear to move from to?

From your right (East) to your left (West) moving behind you.

Can you change the frequency of em wave?

Once the wave has left the source that generated it, the frequency can't be changed.If you happen to be moving toward or away from the source at a high enoughspeed, then the frequency of the radiation may appear to you to be changed.But it's not.

What happen to the speimen if you move the slide to the left using a microscope?

The specimen will appear to move to the right when you move the slide to the left. The opposite is true as well.

What happens to the size of an atom moving from left to right through a period why does this happen?

Atomic radius decreases from left to right due to increase of protons

Describing something by moving from top to bottom or left to right refers to?

spatial order

How do you work out 10 per cent of something?

Divide the number by 10: that is equivalent to moving the decimal point one place to the left.

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sediments left behind by moving water or wind

What is the Superstitious meaning for eye twitching?

The superstitions are that when your left eye twitches it means something bad is going to happen. When your right eye twitches it means something good is going to happen. I have heard, when the top of your eye (say the eyelid) is twitching, something good is going to happen to you, but when the bottom of your eye is twitching, something bad is going to happen. If it is twitching really bad, the effectiveness is stronger than a little twitch.

If you dont go to the doctor after a miscarriage what can happen?

If there is something left inside of your uterus you can get serious infections which can lead to sterility and bloodpoisening.

What will happen if there are no more pink dolphins left?

Pink dolphins are just albino dolphins, dolphins without skin pigment which makes them appear pink. Albinism is rare, but it could show up in a dolphin population at random at anytime. Nothing will really happen if there was no more pink dolphins left.