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The density of matter just after the big bang is calculated to be sufficient to have spontaneously created black holes; such are called primordial black holes, and searches for their existence are ongoing.

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Q: What have black holes got to do with the beginning of the universe?
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How did black holes get its name?

black hole got it's name because when look at a black hole, you only see black. also if you drop an item in the black hole the item is gone because there is a hole in there. so that's how black hole get's its name

Can black holes hit each other?

Yes. It has happened before. There are supermassive black holes, and they got that way in part from combining with other black holes. And just as it has happened before, it will happen again. It is likely happening now somewhere in the universe. A small black hole is circling a very large one near the event horizon. The X-rays and other higher energy electromagnetic radiation created here bathe this volume of space in increasingly more energy. Soon the gravity of the more massive black hole will pluck the smaller one from spacetime and only the larger one will remain. Or two black holes of approximately equal mass are caught in a "waltz" orchestrated by their mutual gravity. They are gliding like two dancers an arm's length apart who are holding onto each other's hands. In a short while they will pull each other closer and embrace, becoming one. The universe holds wonders that could not have even been imagined just a single lifetime ago. What else hides from our view behind a curtain of gas and dust or concealed by a massive star field?

What is on the other end of a black hole?

No one knows; you would be crushed before you even got to another end - if there was one. Some say that you can go to another part of space-time thus, i think, worm holes are possibly related to black holes.

Why does a black holes behave the way they do why do they suck light in and why has a black hole got nothing inside it if it sucks everything into it?

I don't think "nothing in it" is an accurate assessment: basically, all the mass that falls into a black hole will stay inside.

Is there anything in a black hole?

Nothing man-made has been sent to a black hole, the furthest out one of our probes has got is the edge of our solar system. A probe would have to go many orders of magnitude further than that to get to a black hole.

Related questions

Is dark matter like a black hole?

well, they both invisible and they got gravity. However Black Holes sucks everything into it and dark matter go through things and it holds up the universe together.

How did black holes get its name?

black hole got it's name because when look at a black hole, you only see black. also if you drop an item in the black hole the item is gone because there is a hole in there. so that's how black hole get's its name

How does a black hole have extreme mass?

Not all do - most black holes have masses comparable to that of a star; this makes sense, since they are believed to have formed from collapsing stars. There are, however, black holes that have thousands, millions, or even billions of times the mass of our Sun - called intermediate black holes, or (for about a million solar masses or more), supermassive black holes. It is currently unknown how exactly they got so massive.

Why do people think that black holes destroy what goes into it?

Because planets and stars have went into them and got destroyed.

What happens when a black hole hits a black hole?

According to some info I got, when galaxies formed in the early age of the universe, they likely contained small black holes in their centers. As the standard scenario of galaxy formation, galaxies grow by coming together with one another by the pull of gravity. In the process, the black holes at their center merge together and quickly grow to reach their observed masses of a billion times that of the Sun; hence, they are called super massive black holes. Also at the time of emergence, the majority of stars form from available gas. Today's galaxies and their central black holes must be the result of a series of such events.ACTUALLY: It depends, which is larger, and if this happend they would "combine" to create a much larger black hole.

Can black holes tranport you to other places?

No, if you got near a black hole you would be stretched out like spaghetti, before being crushed into oblivion.

Can black holes hit each other?

Yes. It has happened before. There are supermassive black holes, and they got that way in part from combining with other black holes. And just as it has happened before, it will happen again. It is likely happening now somewhere in the universe. A small black hole is circling a very large one near the event horizon. The X-rays and other higher energy electromagnetic radiation created here bathe this volume of space in increasingly more energy. Soon the gravity of the more massive black hole will pluck the smaller one from spacetime and only the larger one will remain. Or two black holes of approximately equal mass are caught in a "waltz" orchestrated by their mutual gravity. They are gliding like two dancers an arm's length apart who are holding onto each other's hands. In a short while they will pull each other closer and embrace, becoming one. The universe holds wonders that could not have even been imagined just a single lifetime ago. What else hides from our view behind a curtain of gas and dust or concealed by a massive star field?

What is on the other end of a black hole?

No one knows; you would be crushed before you even got to another end - if there was one. Some say that you can go to another part of space-time thus, i think, worm holes are possibly related to black holes.

Who from black veil brides stayed from the beginning?

Only Andy everyone else quit or got fired one died :(

Why has the moon got holes?

The moon has holes because it has been hit by asteroids

Why does a black holes behave the way they do why do they suck light in and why has a black hole got nothing inside it if it sucks everything into it?

I don't think "nothing in it" is an accurate assessment: basically, all the mass that falls into a black hole will stay inside.

Is there anything in a black hole?

Nothing man-made has been sent to a black hole, the furthest out one of our probes has got is the edge of our solar system. A probe would have to go many orders of magnitude further than that to get to a black hole.