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Dolphins have been trained many things, but in the wild out in the ocean theres no one out there to train them, so yes dolphins are trained and naturaly nice.

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Q: What have dolphins been trained to do?
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Why are some dolphins trained to perform?

Well most dolphins are trained so their trainers can earn some money.

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Dolphins have been trained to do various things such as locating enemy combatants for the navy and rescue lost naval swimmers(military dolphins). They are also trained to have babies................

Are dolphins future good or bad?

bad when there not trained but good when there trained

Do dolphins and porpoises attack humans?

no because most dolphins are like born trained so no

Are dolphins trained from birth?

no there not they start to get traing when the adalesents

Do dolphins eat orcas?

Sometimes they eat them, poor dolphins! Orcas are a member of the dolphin family, but can be trained to not eat them. They are both very alike, they can be trained to do tricks and get along.

How can dolphin defense?

Dolphins have been trained in the past by the U.S. navy to attack sharks, but the dolphins attacked only those that typically did not try to eat them in the wild. Sand and Lemons sharks were two of the kinds that dolphins were trained to attack, but not Bull sharks, which were of similar size to the Dolphins and know to eat them. In this case the dolphins would not approach. In the wild the dolphin relies on it's speed, maneuverability, and the members of its pod to protect itself and other members. Dolphins also use their sonar to locate and in some instances kill their prey. their sonar can possibly be used to confuse larger predators, but this has not been documented.

Can a shark be trained?

No sharks cannot be trained cuz they are not friendly as dolphins and will not except being put in a tank.

Are wild dolphins friendly?

Yup they are but not as much as the trained ones. :D

How do dolphins have a use for us?

Well, I only know one, but Dolphins are being trained to locate mines in the water for the U.S. marines, navy, and seals

Are rough toothed dolphins harmless to humans?

they can be depends if it's trained or not most the time not harmless.

Are dolphins the kindest animal in the sea?

that matter on how you treat the dolphin and if it is wild or trained but they are pretty nice