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a concussion

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What are causes of hyperpnea?

Head injury Starvation Shock

Can a chest injury cause a concussion?

Only if the chest injury causes you to hit your head.

What is the action called when an accident causes the brain to hit the inside of the head and it causes an injury?


What causes damage to the pituitary gland that causes hypopituitarism?

tumors,surery,radiation,head injury

What is a closed head injury?

A closed head injury is a trauma in which the brain is injured as a result of a blow to the head, or a sudden, violent motion that causes the brain to knock against the skull. It is different from an open head injury, in that nothing actually penetrates the brain.

What causes a traumatic brain injury?

Usually a blow to the head [bruise], bleeding in the head, or something enters it.

Is it dangerous if you pass out then hit your head and have a spasm?

A head injury that causes a spasm is definitely serious. Get checked out.

What happens when a head injury swells inward?

It causes your brain to squeeze. and then you cant use your brain as well

How do you detect head injury by temperature?

While a spiking temperature can be the result of a major concussion, or brain insult, it's not really a means of detecting that injury. Usually, there are a ton of other indicators to warn you of head injury whereas the fever may have other causes and is not conclusive.

What causes shooting pain in the head?

You have a headache if you have shooting pain in your head. Headaches can be caused by lack of sleep, lack of caffeine if it is a staple in your diet, head injury, or high blood pressure.

How does Henry receive an injury?

Henry receives an injury while fighting in World War I. He is wounded by a mortar shell explosion which causes him to suffer a serious head wound.

Pathophysiology of a head injury?

There are many different types of brain injury, depending upon the severity of the force upon the head, as well as which portion of the brain is affected. To simplify, brain injuries can be classified as traumatic or acquired, with additional types under each heading. All brain injuries are described as either mild, moderate, or severe. Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic brain injury is a result of an external force to the brain that results in a change to cognitive, physical, or emotional functioning. The impairments can be temporary or permanent. Types of traumatic brain injury include: * Diffuse axonal injury. Shaking or strong rotation of the head causes brain structures to tear. Nerve tissue is disturbed throughout the brain. * Concussion. Caused by a physical force to the head that causes blood vessels to stretch and cranial nerves to be damaged. * Contusion. A result of a direct impact to the head, which causes bleeding on the brain. * Coup-contrecoup injury. The force to the brain is large enough to cause contusion at the side of impact, as well as the site opposite impact. * Penetration injury. The impact causes a foreign object to penetrate the skull. Acquired Brain Injury An acquired brain injury is an injury to the brain that is not hereditary, congenital, degenerative, or the result of birth trauma. Acquired brain injury generally affects cells throughout the entire brain. Types of acquired brain injury include: • Axnoxic brain injury. This occurs when the brain doesn't receive oxygen.• Hypoxic brain injury. This occurs when the brain receives some, but not enough, oxygen.